The unexpected becomes the expected

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They cheered at the fact that he was leaving. They cheered thinking that the traitor is gone.But what they don't know is that she is still among them. Percy looked back one last time. To think that they were his family. To think that he loved them hurt. "Go ahead Perseus no one will miss you." Zeus said. Percy looked down sadly and jumped through the portal that would lead him to Tartarus.

The goddess watched what happened,and was not happy. They have just tilted the scales,and it will come back to haunt them. She will make sure of it.But right now she has to go rescue the hero of Olympus.

Percy was chained down to a table and was in one of the worse states possible. Kronos has been torturing him with his skythe,but that's not the worse part. Kronos thought it would be fun to invite the primordial Tartarus and together Percy was bruised,scarred,burned, and tortured for everyday since he was forced into the pit.

Kronos walked in with surprisingly no torture tool in his hand. "What do you want now?" Percy said weakly and barely awake. Kronos' faced morphed until it was one of a man with stars for eyes. "Perseus I am not Kronos, I shall introduse myself later right now i must get you out of here."

Percy couldn't believe it, after three years down in Tartarus he will finally be free. " Now stay still." The man shot a beam of energy at the chains. "Come we must hurry." The man said urgently. Percy tried to move but even the slightest twitch hurt. The man soon noticed this and lifted Percy bridal style. A black portal opened and the man walked through with Percy still in his arms.

They reappeared outside of a huge palace,but Percy was in to much pain to admire it's magnificents. The strange man hurried into the castle and gently laid Percy down on the first piece of furniture that he saw,which was luckily a leather coach. Percys vision soon blurred and he heard the man mutter "Oh this is not good."

"We have a serious problem." The man said into a phone. A second later a female flashed in. Her eyes glowed a bright red and her hair was as black as night. "How is he still alive?" The man shook his head. "I don't know the answer to that, it seems that they didn't want him dead,how they kept him alive I don't know." The female looked shocked for a moment before saying "Can't you heal him?" "I wish I could,but I can't interfère just getting him away from my son was aginst the ancient laws." The female laughed a little "The migthy Chaos fears the fates!" Chaos glared at her. "Let's just hurry ad get him to the hospital wing." The female nodded and lifted Percy and that's all Percy remembered before everything went black.

It's a bit short but it'll have to do for the first chapter. Anyone wanna take a guess who this mystery goddess is? And i didn't make Chaos like most people would. I wanted him to have a playful side and I didn't want him to act formal around the goddess since she is a friend of his,if you don't like how they are then tell me how I canchange it but im not gonna change them 100%

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