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It was a dark and prickly night... Dolan had been bored, so bored, you wouldn’t believe it. He had been there together in the room with Pringle and Gooby. Normally they could perfectly entertain each other, but not this time. And to make matters worse, it was almost impossible to go to town. It was too spoopy... too dark. “Urgh,” said Pringle, “I wish Hellbent would attack. At least we’d have something to do.” Gooby agreed, “I agree,” she said through telepathy since she doesn't talk and started throwing her phone at the wall, just to catch it again when it bounced off. “Uuuurgh,” she then murmured as well, because she agreed with Pringle, “Don’t you know anything to do, Dolan?” (once again, she does this through telepathy. Wooooohhh!) Dolan’s gaze went down the room, past his childhood teddy bear and a stack of G-strings. Then, his eye fell onto a lone empty bottle that they had used the evening before. I know,” said Danger Dolan, “How about we play...............spin...the....BOTTLE!” “What a superb idea” “Oh yeah!” Doopie and Nixxiom also peaked up “Yeaaaah!” So they all sat down and Danger Dolan took the bottle first. Hilariously, it landed on Nixxiom, but Danger Dolan thought Nixxiom was quite a bit too creepy and really didn't want to kiss the man. He hoped the others might have mistook it for landing on Gooby, but judging the howls of laughter and the rising anticipation in the room, they probably didn't. "But... but... didn't you see it really landed on Shima?" "Laaawl no, u should kiss Nixxiom," said the beautiful mermaid. The fact that she said it made Danger Dolan feel rejected :( insert Nixxiom dab

But then, all of a sudden.... Hellbent attacked!

"OH, S@$T!!" Dolan cried, flailing his arms at 360 degrees. Aaaand, then they fell off. "B$@CH!!!!" Hellbent yelled at deds Dolan, doing a dab and all sorts of weird dance moves. "SQUIGGLE SQUIGGLE" Danger Dolan gazed into space with tears literally flooding his eyes. It was happening; He couldn't help thinking about Gooby again. He tried not too. Desperate to avoid the thoughts that could not be- no - would NOT be- held back. But like dozens of unstoppable generals they came creeping forward till they filled his brain; like a kid fills his stomach. Gooby's smile shined like gold, as impressive as a mansion, it filled the warehouse and Dolan was helplessly but willingly absorbed into them. Her eyes were like golden delicious apples. If you rolled them they would go quite far. Probably as far as the fastest runner in the world. Her legs were like a radio tower. Straight and tight. Also like YO FACE! The mermaid's chest was like a Mercenary. Powerful and impossible to ignore. How could Dolan not be helpless in the face of that? He wanted to hug Gooby so much, and maybe, just maybe, kiss her one day on the cheek. Or lips if he was lucky enough.

Danger Dolan snapped out of it. But the thoughts of Gooby would be back. Would he be able to resist next time? So poor, lonely, and broken armed Dolan got onto his jaguar. The others followed on their Segway but were quite far behind. Danger Dolan knew he had to go faster and faster like the speed of sound. So he raced down streets and around corners, skidding furiously around pedestrians and cops. "No time for rules!" he called out as he passed. "I have to take my full responsibilities of life!" he said. Suddenly up ahead he saw some bad guys! So he did a massive wheelie backflip over them, head-butting them as he was above them. "Eat my fist!" Dolan yelled as he slapped them and did a dab. He speed onwards past fields and villages and cities and hangers and other landscape. "WAIT! Didn't he break his arms?" Melissa asked out of the blue. Hellbent punches her cold and does a dab. Then he saw the road sign to where he had to go, and so he went. He whacked some more bad guys out with a sideways 360 spin, before leaping off the bike. #THUGLIFE2017,BRUH!

Later, when the others caught up, they continued their journey.

Danger Dolan was finding it really hard to concentrate at this movement his thoughts kept trying to think of sweet, beautiful Gooby. Despite what was happening, it was hard to focus!

And then, at the worst possible moment. It happened. Again. Thug Life Dolan gazed at sexy Gooby. It was impossible to resist this time. Like a child and a teddy bear Dolan was pulled towards Gooby. It was like scorched earth in a war. It was a like a machine gun piercing through his heart. It was like a magnet. There was no resisting. No mercy. No longer did anything else mattered.

Gooby looked shocked and then...and then...not shocked. She had known all along. Of course. How could lovesick Dolan have been so stupid? Those long looks at each other, the times they gazed at the stars together, the candle lit dinners. The tender hugs.. It wasn't just friendship. It never was. It was more and Gooby had known all along. "I knew" Gooby said through her ability, blushing. "Oh- oh- oh..." Danger Dolan stuttered, realizing all this for the first time. But there was more... Gooby wasn't pulling away. She was pushing tighter. Holding Dolan like a wild orca. At some point their clothes came off and showed the beauty of living human anatomies. They got ripped in the process of the passioning. But... he didn't care. This is what he had needed for so long. too long. A century. maybe longer. But this was now. Danger Dolan and Gooby were finally together at last! They caterwauled like lovers (that's somehow what they thought it meant) and just kissed as their eyes ruptured from true love. And from the screaming...

They cuddled a lot and then held hands. Afterwards they looked at each other longingly. But they knew they must leave. They didn't want anyone to see.

Danger Dolan took one last look at drooling, blushing Gooby. "Goodbye my snuggwy one" "Love you too, my one and only sexy Dolan"

And then they departed.

And Danger Dolan met Hellbent and he said, "omigosh you look big and scary". Hellbent just laughed and did a short chicken dance with duck lips. "I came here to kill you, but now I know I cant. I... I...your going to kill me aren't you?" "No, why should I? Your a Werewolf like me. Look deep into your heart... you know it to be true. Danger Dolan looked deep into his soul, and saw the truth. He was one. He was on the wrong side all along. He left who he wrongly thought were his friends, and joined his true family. And so they lived happily ever after as Werewolves. CONGRADULATIONS, DOLAN AND GOOBY! WISHING YOU LOTS OF HAPPINESS THROUOUT YOUR YEARS TOGETHER!

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