1|| Pieces

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You laid in bed, restlessly moving around in order to find a comfortable position. You huff, sitting up and looking over at the clock to check the time.

3:04 AM

You inwardly groan, wishing you could, for once, have a normal sleeping schedule. Laying back down, you attempt to close your eyes for hopefully the last time tonight. That is until you start to hear muffled yelling. Initially, you just assumed, due to the time, it was some drunk neighbors. It wasn't till a couple minutes passed that you realized where the noise was coming from. Dr. Shaun Murphy's apartment.

You had moved in a few months ago, and Shaun was your new neighbor. At first, he was very hesitant to get to know you, and almost seemed to intentionally avoid you. Consequently, you didn't see very much of him except the rare awkward elevator encounter. It took a couple of months, but you finally opened up to each other and actually became pretty close. It became practically routine for Shaun to come over to watch TV, and binge on snacks with you. No matter what type of day you were having, you could always count on Shaun to bring a smile to your face.

At the recognition of Shaun's voice, you shot out of bed almost instantaneously. Grabbing your robe off the floor, you threw it on in an attempt to cover the tank top and spandex shorts you were wearing. Before you could even reach his door, you saw it spring open and out walked a clearly frustrated woman.

This only spurred your confusion, even further. Shaun rarely had guests in general, let alone strange women at 3 AM. She slammed the door shut before proceeding to lean back against it, clearly holding back tears. You walked up to her apprehensively, crossing your arms uncomfortably over your chest. "Ugh, everything okay?"

The woman jumped at first at the sound of your voice, obviously not initially noticing your presence. She quickly attempted to regather herself, wiping some of the stray tears that had fallen down her face. "Um.. yeah, just a rough night." She replied with an almost pathetic small laugh at the end, as if even she didn't believe her statement.

"You know Shaun?" You ask now simply wondering who this stranger could be. "Oh, yeah. We used to be neighbors before I moved to Pennsylvania." From this statement alone, you immediately knew who she was.


This was the girl who Shaun was practically in love with. Shaun had told you everything about their 'relationship.' There were many nights where you attempted to comfort Shaun about her leaving. He didn't understand why she would've done and said all those things knowing she wanted to move. It had taken awhile, but it had just recently started to get better. He was beginning to move on, but now here she was.

You felt your jaw immediately tense as you fought your initial reaction to immediately begin to yell at her for coming back unexpectedly like this. You couldn't even begin to imagine how Shaun was feeling right now. "You must be Lea," You say letting her know you knew who she was. "Shaun told me about you." Her demeanor changed almost instantly when you let her know this.

"I see." Lea mumbles looking down at the ground, shuffling her feet slightly. "Why are you back?" You asked, directly cutting to the chase. "I just came to stay with my friend, is there something wrong with that?" You couldn't help but scoff at her words, "After what you did, yeah." You stated blatantly, watching her look back up at you at this.

You didn't even give her a chance to respond, you simply continued. Not being able to help it as the words just rolled off your tongue. Each word hitting her like a jab in the chest.

"You just left him. You took him on this spontaneous road trip, got him drunk, kissed him, and told him all of these things. Only to tell him you had been considering and decided on leaving. You hurt him, Lea!" You felt as if everything was bubbling up inside of you as you went on. "I understand you had to do what you felt was right and what was best for you. Yet that doesn't change the fact that you lead him on." She looked down pathetically, as if she knew this was true. Tears again forming in her eyes and beginning to roll down her cheeks.

You sighed, attempting to sympathize with her for a second. "I understand that I don't know your situation. I don't know what, or if anything happened that may have caused you to come back." You reasoned. Although she hurt Shaun, you could see how guilty she felt and you weren't completely heartless. "You know Shaun, Lea. You had to have expected him to have this kind of reaction to you coming back."

"You had to have known how this would've made him feel. So the fact you just did it anyways, says a lot." You asked, your voice laced with a hint of resentment at the end. "You broke him." You state factually with a disjointed shrug.

You shook your head looking at her as she continued to avoid eye contact. "I was the one who picked up the broken pieces, not you." Lea looked at you, her eyes full of regret, "You weren't there when he wondered what was wrong with him. You weren't there when he would get upset simply from looking at the baseball you left him." You felt your voice begin to go hoarse as you felt a large lump in your throat. It felt as if you had swallowed a stone, attempting to push it back as you finished.

"I was. I was there through absolutely everything. So for you to just come back and do this to him, I just don't get it." You could feel the hot tears streaming down your face now as you reprimanded this person you didn't even know.

Your breathing was ragged as you attempted to calm down, your throat feeling irritated and tight. Standing there, you just waited for some type of response from her. Anything at this point to help you understand why she had done this, despite knowing Shaun's behaviors. Yet, you got nothing. She simply shook her head before walking towards the elevator, and leaving.

You could only stand there for a second, still in shock from the whole encounter. You had never been a very confrontational person, but something just came over you. The idea of someone hurting Shaun had sent you into an absolute frenzy you had never experienced before. After recollecting yourself for a couple seconds, you turned towards the door. Hesitating a second, knowing he probably heard absolutely everything, before softly knocking on the door.

A couple seconds later, the door opened, revealing your friend. You looked deep into his beautiful ocean blue eyes, which were now puffy and red. "You didn't have to say all of those things." He said simply rocking back and forth on his heels. You just laughed softly at his statement before responding plainly, "I know, I just wanted to." Before you could even comprehend it, Shaun wrapped his arms around you ever so softly. Closing your eyes, you let your arms engulf him gently as you felt yourself relax in his grasp. This was the first hug you two had shared where he was the one to initiate it.

It was at this moment you realized your feelings for Dr. Shaun Murphy were much stronger than you initially realized. Much, much stronger.


Hi! This is my first imagine book ever, so I thought why not start off with a bang? Or in other words, a very angsty imagine. Which is probably not very good lmao but hey, hopefully they'll get better with time. I am currently taking requests for this book, so if you have any, feel free to message me!

This hasn't been edited yet so please excuse the mistakes. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!


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