meeting one direction~1~

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Alright so ur name would appear like dis "_____" ur best friends name is lizzy and u were ment to go on a flight to mexico.. (u live in canada) but... what will happen? ;]


#*RRRRRRRRRRING* hello? lizzy? you say "hey yeah am coming be on da plane in a sec waiting for ya... but we dont have the same seats sorry" lizzy said wile u thought "yesh more space to sleep" "oh its okay" u answer back


HEY HEY _____ AM OVER HERE! you hear a fammilyar voice scream "oh lizzy hey ready for r flight?" u ask hopeing everything will go just fine "yurp... hey look am just a seat behind ya" lizzy says wile sitting down "oh yeah cool we can- lizzy? lizzy?" u ask but unfortunatly u r relising that she fell asleep already! "hmmm what shall i do now? :/" u ask to ur self wile going off to ur day dream" "oh hai gorgeus can i sit here?" u hear a very familiar boy figure ask "erm yeah sure" u say blushing "sooo what u doing here on  da plane to england luv?" "well atu- HUH england i ment to go to mexico oh crap am gonna die :[" u say nervously "aha its alright love ur gonna be okay look..." says da boy wile taking his hat and glasses off "wait ur zayn? f-from 1D :O" u say exited "yeah :] if u want u can stay with me and the boys and ur friend whos snoring haha" says zayn, u spent all 4 hours laughing and talking and before u even relise the flight is over

"LIZZY WAKE UR ASS UP" u shout "WELL dis is a nice wake up wid Z-ZA *faints*" "haha am i that scary?" zayn says jokingly "yeah i think u r its too much hair jell" u say teasing him up "oii ___ shut up" he answers back tickling u "AHAHAHA STOP STOP STOP AHAHAHAHAA" u say running out of breath "ahaha noooo" zayn says wile picking u up and carrying all ur packages "hey am getting jealus here" lizzy says in a anoyyed voice "haha just wait harry needs a girl like u ;]" zayn answeres back to ur best friend lizzy "well how about me then? :]" u say smiling "well if u dont mind i will steal u ;)" zayn says blinking.. ur emotion less just in his arms blushing like an idiot 

Before u even notice lizzy u and zayn finaly got to his house "NIAL!!!" u hear lizzy shout "AND U MUST BE LIZZY!" u see nial run up to her "haha" u giggle as zayn puts u down "HEY EVERYBODY" u see al of the boys run up to u and hug u "and u must be dat beautiful _____ zayn told u about and u must be dat funny and awesome lizzy we got told about ;]* both of u just bluch emotionless "soo ____ i see u gonna stay with us for a wile as u took the wrong flight... soo i called ur mum and she said it was okay as long as we look after u and u can stay as long as u want!" louis says wile grabbing ur hand and pulling u to da door "awwh thanks louis!" u say wile gently kissing his cheak when u turn around to see the boys u can see zayn getting a bit jealus over u "awwh zayn dont be jealus!" u say jokingly "i aint jealus" he answeres back blushing. "haha yh right :]" u say trying to tease him up a bit "i aint jealus why would i be? haha" he says wile puts u on da floor and tickling u  "NO STOP AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STOP STOP STOP AHAHAHAH" u say screaming when he finaly stops u turn around to see lizzy holding nials hand "oooh love birds!"  u and zayn shout out as dey start to blush "hahahaha" everyone laughed "so how about a movie guys?" louis says "errm okay err HORROR movie! :]" u say as louis stears at u "eh i have sum carrots louis dont be scared haha :D" u say laughing wid zayn "CARROTS I LIKE GIRLS WID CARROTS ;D" louis says blinking at u and zayn giving him dirty looks "<_< >_> err atualy it was lizzys idea!" u say quickly "well thank you lizzy" louis says wile kissing her cheak "oii" nial says as he pushes him away "okay guys stop arguing lets everyone get in ur PJ'S and go watch da movie come on" u say as zayn picks u up "hehe" u giggle slightly blushing

Sooo which one do u like the most? lizzy says wile shes getting changed in to her PJ'S in da bathroom "well zayn is kinder cute" u say blushing "go for him girl zayn has a crush on ya!" she answeres back "yeah and did u see nial he has a crush on u too so go for him too" u say smiling "oh i will m8 ;]" she says jokingly "haha" u both laugh and finaly get out. "hey looking hot todayz" liam says jokingly "haha" u laugh with lizzy wile he picks both of u up and puts u on da couch. u sit between harry and zayn and lizzy sits between louis and nial and liam sits at da end "well its kinder scary" u say wid a frightend voice pulling ur self closer to zayn "haha dont be scared gorgeus its only a movie" he says teasing u about "yeah easy for u to say" u answer back jokeingly. About 10 mins later u find ur self squoshed to zayn on his lap wid his arm arond u "brrr its cold" u say "turn da heating up :D" louis says while walks over to da fridge for more carrots. "nial am scared its so scary" lizzy sayz nearly in tears "awwh dont cry baby its gonna be okay only a movie" he says back while putting his arm around lizzy as she moves closer to him and puts her head on his chest "hey ____u want sumthin to eat love?" louis asks as he can see u hiding under zaynz jackie "yeh a bit" u say "haha i think its just da movie haha come here and pick sumthing"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2012 ⏰

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