Easy Protection/Ward

83 1 0

You will need the following items for this spell:

-(You choose your own Inscriber>)Pen, Pencil, Your Finger, ect. 

-Your Magic Seal (Your Magic Design) 




-Source of Energy

Casting Instructions for 'Easy Protection/Ward'  

Meditate for 5-10 min. Take your Inscriber and Create your Magic Seal on the Subject. Transfer as much Magic you want to the your Magic Seal. Then if its you, any physical attack that connects to you is reduced because of the Seal. If its an object, than its durability has gone up because of the seal. If you don't want to mark on something, then trace the Seal with your finger on the object (Requires a little more magic though)  


Author's note: If you want any spells, please comment or PM me, I'll see what I can do.

Source: www.spellsofmagic.com

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