Chapter One

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I headed to the room after my classes. It was like the others. Three beds, three desks, three dressers, a couch, a coffee table, radio, and then all of Zayn’s and Louis’s stuff. I saw my suitcases were on the free bed along with a few boxes of my stuff. I started loading all my clothes into the the empty dresser. Once I was done with that I started taking out my stuff. It was just stuff that reminded me of home. Pictures of my friends and family, an Irish flag, my little leprechaun, and some other things. I flopped down on the bed and put my ear buds in. I was ready to tune out the world with a bit of Justin Bieber when Louis walked out of the bathroom (which we apparently had in our rooms, I could’ve sworn it was a closet), he had a towel around his waist but it was hanging dangerously low. I hoped that just maybe he’d pull it up. No such luck.

“Hey Niall,” he said, pulling out some clothes. I looked away to give him some privacy.

“Hi Louis,” I said. I stared at the ceiling. “When are Liam and Harry and Zayn getting here?”

“Zayn is in Chem right now, he should be back any minute now. Liam and Harry will be here around five,” he answered. I turned back to him and he only had his boxers on. God he was fit. I mean... He was fit. I wasn’t able to take my eyes away. He was a bit lean, he had a six pack, his hair in a quiff from his shower, people quiffed a lot... Didn’t they? His blue eyes shone like a mix of the night and day sky. Wow. Where did that come from? Why was I crushing so hard...? I wasn’t gay. I mean... I liked girls. I mean I really liked girls. But there was just something about Louis that was just... Wow.

“Like what you see?” He asked, grinning cheekily.

“Uh... S-Sorry! I was just... Uh...” I stuttered. I felt a mad blush rising in my cheeks so I buried my face in my hands.

"It's fine Niall," Lou said with a laugh.

"I-I'm gonna go for a walk, I'll be back before five," I muttered. I turned up my tunes as I left. I heard Louis say something but it was muffled by the music. I decided to take a short walk around the outside of campus. See what was there. On the weekends and after four o’clock we were allowed to leave school grounds and go out to eat and such. We had to be back before eleven though because of curfew. I walked into the big city centre area and looked around, so many people were out and about shopping and drinking tea and coffee. There were a few girls sitting outside a coffee shop. They still had their school stuff and were chatting about something.

One gestured over to me as I sat down on one of the benches in the circle. They all giggled, one of them blushing madly. The one blushing was rather cute. She had short curly black hair, chocolatey brown eyes, a small button like nose, and an adorable smile. She was possibly one of the most adorable girls I’ve seen. The group saw me watching them and started giggling more, I looked away quickly and turned up my tunes. I looked anywhere but the group. It had been a while since I looked at them, surprisingly, they were still in the courtyard. I was about to get up to leave when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned and saw the adorable girl.

Up close she was even cuter. She looked about seventeen years old and her blush had grown since I had looked over to her about half an hour ago. “H-Hey,” she mumbled quietly. “Uh... I was wondering... I-If maybe... You’d want to go on a date with me...?”

“Oh...” I blushed deeply, staring at my Vans like they were the most interesting things in the world.

“I-It’s fine if you don’t!” She murmured quickly.

“Uh... I-I do...” I said as I gave her a shy smile. “I-I’d just like to know your name i-is all...”

“Oh! Right! That!” She exclaimed, blushing deeper. “My name is Valerie. And you are?”

“Niall. Pleasure to meet you Valerie,” I said. “Do you have a phone?”

“Yeah, course I do,” Valerie smiled. She pulled it out of her pocket and handed it to me. I typed my number into her phone and added me to her contacts under the name “Niall the Leprechaun”.

“Send me a text later,” I told her. “I gotta get going... See you soon, okay?”

“Okay,” she said smiling. I gave her a quick peck on the cheek and headed back to the school.


So there's Chapter One! I hope you like it! Thanks for the reads. I love you all. :) Comment, vote, stuff like that!

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