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It was a warm night and y/n was going to cyrus house to study she always had a crush on cyrus but she didn't want to ruin the friendship she had with Cyrus.when y/n was done getting her shit she started walking since cyrus house wasn't far from her's.about 5 minuets later y/n was at cyrus door scared and Hesitating to knock on the door.but she got the courage to knock when she knocked on the door she heard cyrus semi deep adorable voice saying "I'm coming". When Cyrus Opened the door to see y/n he clearly smiled and invited her in y/n came in and was standing by the door kinda wait till cyrus told her where to go. When Cyrus seen her standing there he invited her to his room she started following cyrus up the stairs to his room when they Finally made it to his room Cyrus closed the door behind me.he offered me to sit on his bed,I sat on his bed opening my text book while asking Cyrus "what do you need help with".cyrus looked me in the eyes but this time was different he never looked me in the eyes like this we both sitting there looking into each other that moment I knew I had to tell him how I felt I couldn't keep it in any longer "cyrus" that all I got to say before cyrus connected his lips to mines.the longer we kissed the more heated the kiss got cyrus started putting his hand on my thigh not disconnecting the kiss.i quickly disconnected the kiss when I heard cyrus front door open I quickly got my stuff and ran out the house while Cyrus tried to catch and cyrus are still friends and I like to keep that little moment we had in my head and think of it some time
       The end

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