Author's note

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hi fellow armys and readers

im charlie hahahaha

im gay and i go through depression and anxiety

ok um i wont be updating this frequently due to school but you dont know i might ;)

this book is dedicated to the queer queens of my lifee
- fancy aka daniel

- devvy boy 

- jaebae

-my child yuri 

- my lovely sister joanna

ok bye xoxo

also um the book will be switching povs of jimin and jungkook
the way you will find out which pov is happening is that it will say JK for kookie and JM for jimin

heres a bts playlist hahahaahahahah

if you do end up listening to it, spotify wont let me change my username to my full name, i made this account before my name changed to Charlie Robinson-Everton, oopsy woopsy amiright

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