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Mal opened her eyes to the daunting cold.

"Sister, raise dorm temperature by 4 degrees." A chime sounded and heat immediately began to move through the air.

Mal waited a couple minutes and then rolled out of bed. She opened her locker and removed her deep suit. It was lightweight, yet substantial, and could keep her temperature regulated at conditions far below zero. She put on her issue boots and encircled her command tags around her neck. Moving to the small bathroom connected to her room, she washed her face and lifted her curly hair above her head. Small tightly coiled strands immediately broke free, she attempted to smooth them before deigning the endeavor too tedious to bother. Her brown eyes were bright and friendly but sloped in such a way that when she narrowed them in anger, the drastic change was alarming.

She made her bed and cleaned her quarters before heading off to meet the team. The dorms were located below surface to better regulate environmental conditions. The top of the base was devoted to weather system tracking. Most of the functional areas of the base were protected from the harsh weather. Mal reached the lift and pressed the down button to the lowest level of the base. She could hear strange groaning and crackling as she descended deeper into the glacial sheet.

The team was already gathered and pulling their dive suits on. They packed a thick gel over their face that was then cured in UV light and finally their breathers. Mal walked to the computers situated in front of a curved glass window. Another shaft descended down into the water's depths with a second shaft designed as a trap.

"Alright the objective to get organism P21 into the bait shaft and activate the lift. It will deposit the creature directly into the research capsule. The creature will automatically be linked up to the computer via the C- gel. The computer will anesthetize it and we can gather readings. This is a completely closed system due to the high security clearance. We cannot link to home base from this facility. Our reports will be given at Base 8B located 3 miles west of here. Does everyone understand the nature of the mission and their task?" Mal's voice flowed cleanly through the room, resonating with command and power. The team automatically straightened at her authoritative tone and nodded. Davis, the team leader headed into the shaft first and positioned the other divers behind him.

Mal signaled for them to begin their descent.

Settling herself at the system, she monitored the team. The readings were as expected and the water conditions calm. She widened the field reading and looked over the data.

"The last team here, tagged the creature. I show a reading about 1 km out and headed your direction. You should be able to maintain your position and it will come to you. If our intel is correct, the baited trap will do all the work." She watched as the creature neared the team. The cold air seemed to pierce through her protective gear and a chill pricked the base of her spine. Even though she was in an brightly lit room, a strange darkness seemed to gather and deepen the shadows around her.

The base commander walked up and leaned over the control panel.

"How is it going?" His deep voice was still raspy from sleep. Commander Bates had been newly assigned to this arctic base. Every member of the team was new to this location, it was highly unusual.

Though...the whole mission was highly unusual.

"They are in position, Sir." Mel covered her mouthpiece to answer the commander. He inhaled and then settled in a seat next to her.

"Holy Shit. I see it." Franks voice sounded and Mal leaned forward nervously.

"Are you certain it's the creature? What does it look like?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2018 ⏰

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