Little Miss Perfection

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I'S NOT EVEN FAIR! My sister gets EVERYTHING SHE WANTS! Little Miss Perfection. She's not even near perfect, unlike me, she's far from it. I cannot belive she got the new Iphone 5s in gold for her birthday! What did I get for my birthday? A blackberry, a blackberry . For your information, yes - the iphone 5s was out on my birthday and i was begging my mum for it.

It's not just the phone that bothers me though, I'm two years younger than Harriet which means she can boss me about and I have do everything she tells me to or she will 'tell mum'. Told you it's not fair. If I told mum (which I never have, because she'd just take Harriet's side)  on her she'd just say '' stop tell taleing, your 12 not 3!'' but Harriett - '' Oh! Nyla-Mae leave her alone! I'll take all of your poket money and give it to Harriet.''

Anyway enough of that. I'm going to the shopping mall with my bestest friend, Meredith. We have been planning to go to the mall for months now because we hardly see eachother anymore after she left Parton Grammar. Meredith now goes to a school called Forbes Academy which is a school specialised for IT and Technology. We decided to go today because I have money left over from my birthday and a little bit of pocket money that mum didn't give to 'Princess'. Meredith gets £65 every week for, I actually don't know what for! Probably because shes an only child so pocket money doesn't get split. Saying that though i only get a tenner if Harriet been given half. I swear Meredith, her mum and dad have money to burn. Actually, I've just realised. I have an eye test today. In two hours and its 10o'clock, I'm supposed to be meeting Meredith at Forever 21 at 11:30. I really dont want to cancel again - we've been looking forward to meeting up since forever! I know mum wont let me cancel the oppointment.

''Hey, Mere?'' I said slowly and quietly while worrying about her reaction,

''Hey Nyla! I was just about to call! What are you wearing today?'' She excitedly answered.

" Just clothes." I gulped and felt my heart drop into my stomach,

'' Ny! Don't be silly! I know your going to wear clothes, your obviously not going to walk around in your underwear! What's wrong?" Meredith giggled.

" Mere, please don't get mad. I'm so sorry. I have to cancel today because i have a stupid oppointment at the optiticans in two hours. There's no point in coming after because I'm only aloud out till 3 today and my opticians is all the way in Cyred. I dreaded telling you this and I'm so sorry. I wish I told you before the day but I only just remebered about 10mins ago." I cried,

" No, you didn't just cancel Nyla! You've already cancelled 5 times and yeah, I counted! I thought you was my BFF. Obviosly not, all the way from Kindergarten have you just been using me? Just because I have money and popularity and you have well NOTHING  but a stupid Blackberry." Meredith angrily spoke as her voice turned from a soft gentle teddy bear to a ferocious lion.

" Mere don't. Just because I cancelled? So your saying I don't have money or popularity. Nice friend you, aren't you. I bet everyone agrees. Your worse than my sister, Perfecton 2! " I yelled,

"Mere don't, Mere don't? I'm not the one who cancelled 5 times in a row. I'm not the one who uses people for popularity and escape rutes from Lilian Payne and Fay Porter! And thanks for calling me perfect, your perf...etic!"

" I said I'm sorry what more do you want!"

" To know why you used me all that time, I have just realised. You don't have me anymore - in or out of school. I wondered who you would have as friends in school, now you've just lost your best friend out of school too. Thats rich, CONGRATUALATIONS. Have a happy life you pig."

I threw the phone two the ground wishing it would break. Why does my life fail all the time? Why does noone care about me? I thought as I lay on my bed snuggled into my pillows with tears flowing down my face.


Had my eyes tested, 13/13 vision. Looks like I'm gonna have to get glasses for long distance - as if i dont already look bad enough anyway without glasses! I guess I'm going to have to get used to them. Sunday tomorrow then another day at school, YIPPIE! The excitment is unreal. Because school is totally the most amazing, most thrilling place on Earth. I hate school. It's just another place where noone understands me. Harriet always says to me that I need to stop being a dweeb and make some friends, as you can tell she doesnt support me through anything - probably because Little Miss Perfection and Princess at home is Well Known Miss Popularity in school and has probably never had to deal with a real life problem like I.

" Princess, Nyla tea is ready hunnies. It's homemade lasange!" Mum shouted up the stairs

Yum, I love mum's homemade lasange! I ran downstairs and shouted " This is why I love Saturdays!" Mum always cooks something special on the weekend! I'm so glad it's lasange. "Get out the way Miss, I mean Mr drama. EW. Lasange, I thought we were having homemade potato pie this week! I'm not eating this. The smell is just so repulsive..." Harriet winned.

"Oh you drama queen! Try some, you might like it I dare you!" Mum laughed,

"Make pie or I'm not eating, throw it away. The lot." Harriet yelled.

Mum grabbed my plate and whispered sorry in my ear, " Anything for my Harriet,"

WOW! I don't like meat and potato pie! But its a little late now. Older before the younger right? Ugh.

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