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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing. I reached over, pressed the dismissed button and reluctantly got out of bed. I threw on some black jogging shorts, a pink tang top, and some black jogging shoes. I put my long blonde, curly hair up in a ponytail and headed out the door. I had just moved into this neighborhood about a week ago. So I didn’t exactly know it like the back of my hand. I just stuck to the streets I’m use to taking when I need to get to work.

I stopped at a cross walk waiting for the little man to light up so I can walk across. I looked around and noticed not very many people are out early in the morning in this little town. Out of the corner of my eye I see a figure in a black over coat and hat. The figure had broad shoulders, and the way the figure carried its self, suggested it was a man. He was headed in my direction slowly walking toward me. Finally the little man lit up. I took off running across the street I ran two more blocks, then turned around and looked behind me. But the man was still there slowly gaining on me. I ran down an alley way but came to a dead end. I turned on my heels to run back up the alley but it was too late. The man was there just staring at me with his yellow eyes that glowed a little in the dark. My heart pounded like a thousand drums I bet you could have seen it come out my chest. Even from where I’m standing I can see a smirk on his face. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out, my mouth formed a silent “O”. He sauntered toward me; I took a shaken step back nearly tripping on some garbage. The grin was still on his face. I couldn’t move fear had a hold on me and my scream was caught in my throat. He got about two feet away when I let out a shriek of terror. I was in the middle of the shriek when he covered my mouth with him giant hand. ”now, now there is no need for that” he said breathing on my face. His voice sent my skin crawling and his breath was sickly sweet and made me want to hurl. With his other hand he grabbed my left shoulder and maneuvered me toward the wall. I gasped as my bare shoulders touched the cold, moist wall. I stared into his eyes and realized what he was and what he wanted from me. He saw the realization on my face and his grin broadened into a smile that showed his teeth which were yellow and rotting. “Yes” the man whispered in my ear so close I could feel his hot, sticky breath on my cheek. I also realized that I wasn’t his first victim and probably won’t be his last. “That’s right!” he continued “I’m……. …..” he paused. “a used-cars salesman! You looked like you could use a car, so I followed you to give you my business card.” He stated taking his hand off my mouth and began digging in his pockets. With his hand off my mouth I screamed louder than necessary and kicked him in the crotch. His face was a mixture of confusion and surprise. He went down to the floor with a grunt. That’s when I saw my chance to escape. I stepped on the man’s back and ran down the alley to the street. Behind me I heard him call. “You crazy, bitch! I was just trying to give you my business card!” and then a whole string of curse words that would put a sailor to shame. But I didn’t turn around or stop running until I got to my apartment and locked myself inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2012 ⏰

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