One family. Split, Changed, Destroyed, all because off something that happened years ago. Well, this is the final stages of the story, why am I starting at the end? When I surely need to start at the begining.
This story, is and adventure of 2 children, who love their parents dearly and would die for them.
For you to understand, let's back up a few years. Do you want me to start it like a fairytale? Yeah, I will.
Once upon a time, not too far away, lived a wonderful family of four. This family consisted of a Mother, a Father, a son and a daughter.
Benji and Hetty never knew their parents name, and they soon regretted not learning it. Eventhough sometimes they got annoyed by their parents, they still loved them, no matter what, and, no matter the circumstances, would do anything for them.
So, with this, let the story begin...