Letter 13

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Dear Furious Ava
Seriously what did I say wrong? Like I even said no offence to you in the previous letter. Also, I tried reading the erase marks but, you erased them good. What were you trying to say?

That last letter you wrote left me disappointed. I expected some argument or just acceptance from you.

I'm sorry.

From Sorry Jonas

I'm a jerk. How could I had not thought of why she would be mad at me! I'm so stupid. She's a gir- woman! Of course she would be mad at me! No matter how understanding you were  I was rude to say that. She should hate me. But she wouldn't stop writing to me right? My heart broke to a million pieces just thinking about it.

I banged my head onto the desk multiple of times telling myself I'm a jerk.

"Hopkins! You bang that head of yours anymore times on that table you'll get a hole in your head! Not the mention that desk will break!" Brainy told me.

I ignored him.

"You break up with your girl?" Johnny asked.

I stopped banging my head on the desk and looked up. Turning my head sharply I stared daggers at Johnny.

"Johnny boy, maybe you should leave him be." Brainy cautiously moved away from me as I resumed back to banging my head.

"Maybe a game of cards will cheer you up Hopkins!" Grinny shouted to me.

Once again I stopped banging my head and stared at Grinny intensely.

No one said anything to me that night as I was trapped in my own thoughts of sadness.

The next day...

See I'm stupid.

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