Moose is Missing

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It would figure that the one time Sam gets up to use a public restroom is the one time he gets drugged and kidnapped by a demon.

He decided to go out for a beer because he couldn't handle the tension between Cas and Dean anymore. They always seemed to be arguing about something lately and it didn't take a genius to figure out what was going on.

Anyone who met Cas and Dean for more than five seconds could tell that they were a thing. Well, anyone except for them it seemed. Even Jack, who was new to all of this, could tell that the two of them cared deeply for each other.

There was hardly anyone in the bar so Sam had figured it'd be safe if he went to the bathroom for a minute, leaving his beer unattended.

Then he woke up tied to a chair in someone's musty basement. He blinked, eyes adjusting to the light.


"Oh my god, it's Sam fucking Winchester!"

A young blonde woman strolled boisterously into the room, gaping at him like an animal in a zoo. A woman sitting in the corner of the room rolled her eyes and stood, scraping the heels of her boots on the ground. Her hair was in a long braid and dyed blue, though the dye looked to be fading and her dark roots were showing.

"Well yeah. I may be a lot of things, but I'm not a liar," she said, black eyes flashing briefly as she looked over Sam.

Sam cleared his throat. "Okay you've got me, now what?"

The blue haired demon frowned, tapping her chin thoughtfully.

"Well it depends... We could turn into Asmodeus but between you and me, the guy's kind of an asshat." The blonde demon sighed.

"So true... But you know, souls are expensive. And a Winchester soul..." She trailed off, grinning mischievously. The blue haired demon frowned.

"Don't get too fiesty. This is Sam. His soul's been damaged more than a bone chewed on by a pack of dogs." She turned to Sam, pouting mockingly.

"He's fragile." Sam jerked violently against his restraints.

"Look, I've had a bad day you really don't want to do this-"

"Fucking Christ, haven't you been listening? We absolutely want to do this. Crowley was always less of a king, more of a court jester, you could say. What he wanted with you boys I'll never know, you sweaty lumberjack," the blue haired demon spat. The blonde grabbed her shoulder, pulling her off to the side.

"Dude, can you lighten up a little bit?"

She crossed her arms over her chest.

"....Hell, I just hate hunters."

"I know, babe."

"They're so annoying, why did Crowley deal with them so often?!"

"I dunno, babe." She sighed, exasperated. She gave Sam a last, annoyed expression before turning to the blonde demon, lips pursed.

"I'll be back. I've got to make a call."


Dean slowly opened his eyes, only to be met with startling blue ones. He flung himself back so fast he hit his head against the wall. He sighed and rubbed his head in frustration.

"Cas, what the hell?!"

"My apologies. Sam's missing." Dean blinked, all but jumping out of bed.

"Sam's what?"

"Sam left last night and never returned." Dean grumbled, pushing past the angel and into the center of the bunker. Sure enough, Sam was nowhere to be found. Jack was sitting at the table, reading a book. He looked up when the two of them entered the room.

"Oh. Hi."

"Jack, do you know where Sam went?" Dean asked. The tiny nephilim shook his head.

"No. He said he wanted to get a drink after he saw you guys arguing." Dean sputtered.

"Hey, we were NOT arguing!" Castiel rolled his eyes.

"Yes because to be able to argue you have to say more than three words." Dean looked over at Cas and opened his mouth to retort, before shutting his mouth and shaking his head.

"I'm gonna go look for Sam," he said simply. He started up the stairs.

"Dean. I'm coming with you," Cas said, leaving no room for negotiation. Dean sighed.


Jack shut his book. "I'm coming too!"

"Jack no," Dean and Cas said in unison.

"But I want to help find Sam," he said earnestly.

"You can help by staying here and waiting in case he comes back," Dean said. Jack sighed and sat back down. The two of them hurried out the door, Castiel glancing back once at Jack, who was already back into his book.


"You know as well as I do that Asmodeus will kill us the second he can, Raz," the blonde demon said, trying to dissuade the other. The demon with the blue hair, Raz, rolled her eyes and wiped a bloody hand on her jeans, the body of truck driver crumpled against the wall.

"Well yeah. If you ask me, we should just kill him." The blonde crossed her arms over her chest.

"Are you serious right now?"

"Dani please! You know damned well the short one and that angel they have on a leash are on their way right now to get him." Dani peeked around the corner, looking at Sam. He shouted at her, struggling with his restraints. She rolled her eyes, pulling herself back.

"Is that why you called Rick?"

Raz nodded. "Yup, if he gets here before they do, it'll be an even three on three, if not we bail and let him handle the mess." Dani cracked a grin.

"See that right there is why I keep you around, babe," she said, standing on her tiptoes to kiss the taller demon. Raz smirked.

"We'd rise through the ranks quickly if we captured the three stooges but the odds are... unlikely. If we gotta dip, we gotta dip." Just then they heard a loud crash in the other room and the shuffling of feet. Raz locked eyes with Dani.

"Son of a bitch," they said in unison, realizing Sam had freed himself.


Dean was white knuckling the steering wheel, staring straight ahead while Cas eyed him warily.

"I'm sure he's fine, Dean." He nodded, clenching his jaw. They drove in silence, until about three minutes later when Dean snapped.

"How the hell did things got so bad between us that Sam would leave in the middle of the night without telling anybody?" Cas shook his head, staring bitterly out the window. Dean glanced at him.

"We just got you back..." he mumbled.


Cas turned to face him, his eyes vulnerable and desperate.

"We just got you back, Dean," he repeated, saying each word slowly and purposefully.

"And now you want to throw yourself into the ocean." Dean shook his head, physically refusing to go down this route again.


"I'm not finished. ...You can't keep doing this. You owe it to us, you owe it to all of us, to stop sacrificing yourself in times of trouble." Castiel shifted his eyes away from Dean, tasting his own hypocrisy.

"You are our family. You're my family. And family doesn't sit by and let this happen. You taught me that, Dean." Dean swallowed painfully, pressing down harder on the gas.

"Cas I can't get into this now. Let's just focus on finding Sammy and we can- I promise we can talk about this later," he said. Cas said nothing, instead opting to stare back out the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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