Mario Kart & Pizza Bites

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I looked down at the invitation sitting on my passenger seat, making sure I had the address correct as I drove down a long winding road. The sun was starting to set behind me, causing the sky to turn neon pink.

It wasn't long until I found where I was going. Balloons lined the driveway way before I saw a million cars parked haphazardly where ever they wanted alongside the road.

"Welcome to Bubba's birthday party." I said to myself, still unsure I was even going to go in.

See, the thing is, I'm only friends with Amanda, and truth be told, I haven't gotten along with Bubba since we met. I think it has to do with the fact that sometimes he comes across as cocky and arrogant, but he makes my girl happy so I can't hate him, too much.

But also, I almost didn't come because I knew this place would be hopping with couples and I'm tired of all of that being shoved in my face.

I'm 26 years old who hasn't had a proper boyfriend and when I do go on dates, they ditch me about halfway through or they ghost me. I really don't understand it and being bitter about it is almost impossible.

Amanda promised me there would be single people here I could mingle with, and a few of our mutual friends so I wouldn't be completely lost. This is Bubba's birthday party, so I'm sure it's filled with NASCAR peeps.

I parked my car besides an old Bronco and plucked up the courage to get out of my car.

I'm just being stupid and I'm sure once I get some alcohol in me, I'll be fine.

Climbing out of my car, I look down at my 90s themed outfit to make sure it looked right. I'm going for a Kelly Kapowski look; acid washed skinny jeans, a white flowy off shoulder top and black suspenders. My hair is wavy with teased bangs with a cute flowery hair clip holding some of it up. All that's missing is my Zach Norris with his giant cell phone.

"Courtney!" I turned to see Amanda running down the stairs in front of their house, of course she went with a Monica look, she looks so adorable. "You made it! I didn't think you'd show."
"I didn't think I'd show either." I hugged her tightly and she smelled like CK1. Which just made me laugh because when we were kids, we used to go into stores and find those cheap knock off perfume bottles and pretend it was the real deal.

"I'm so glad that you did though! C'mon, some of Bubba's single friends just got here, let me introduce you to them." I stopped short and bit my lip. I didn't want to meet any of them really, I really don't want to face rejection on a night where I should be having fun.
"How about no." She just rolled her eyes.

"Fine then, I'll leave you to it." Amanda smirked at me and I knew at that moment she was going to introduce me no matter what. "Food is in the kitchen, a bar is set up outside, and try not to eat all of the pizza bites, I know they're your favorite."
"Pizza bites? Amanda, that's all you had to say and I would have been the first guest to arrive. Now where is your kitchen at?"


I was on my third helping of pizza bites when I noticed him.

He was sitting on an inflatable chair playing Mario Kart 64 with a group of guys and judging by the smug look on his face, he was in the lead.

But it wasn't his smugness that caught my eye, it was the fact that he looked like a wet dream straight out of a 90s sitcom. He had on the same acid washed jeans as I did with ripped knees, Nike high tops, a Pizza Planet long sleeve shirt and a backwards hat that covered long, brown curly hair. All that was missing was a skateboard.

Zach Morris had nothing on this guy.

"Who is that?" I nodded towards him as he yelled in victory while the other guys cursed. Amanda followed my eyesight and shook her head.

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