The mind of a pychopath

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Victor gets up at the blaring noise of his alarm clock. He gets up his messy black hair in his face he goes to the bathroom to use the toilet awkwardly (like any boy in the morning) and gets dressed dozens of thoughts running through his head about what he will wear. He finally decides on a black dress shirt not all the way buttoned he thought,with the sleeves rolled up black skinny jeans and his black boots. He puts on his necklace of a upside down cross and heads out the door almost forgetting his pack. Upon opening the door to go to his car he sees his tormentor at school, Aric,driving beside his car,a black 98 camaro, "Hey psycho yeah you psycho!". Victor glares at him thinking of all the ways that he could kill him without remorse."Nice wheels bitch". Victor's eyes catch a glimpse of movement seconds before he saw a soda can flying towards his car spraying it and him in the sticky substance. They drove off laughing leaving Victor and his rage storming inside "calm Victor calm" he said in his smooth soft voice,he took deep breaths through his nose out his mouth. He got in his car and started it,it roared to life he drove to high school or to him a personal hell

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