Titled Part 1

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What are you doing in my writing thingy Mo-bop? Horrible Shrek joke, lets pretend that never happened. Anyway, have you ever felt like a plastic bag drifting on the wind? no Katty Perry, I haven't because I feel like a guy whos been shot in both feat and then told to walk it off. if I ever feel like a plastic bag, it probably means I've found some good old narcotics to consume. (hold on pandora has an add I cant skip) but all of this is distracting me from what I'm writing about, (and now there is a bork meme song playing, nvm now its 21piolets.) which is my completely unremarkable life. throughout out my life, nothing truly remarkable has happened to me. ever since I was bourn, I simply have existed, floating through life like a milk jug that's been turned into a boat by some dumb unremarkable kid. so without further adieu, lets collaps right into it because walking is to hard and its, hold on, 10:49 after I kept missing the colon sign for ten seconds.

Lets talk school, and how unremarkable I am at that. why school? because that was the first thing that popped into my head, god that's depressing. To be honest, school was my favorite thing to do during the the year. summer was to hot and offered just hours of sitting around doing nothing while all these other kids went to hawai, or some place like that. I could go hangout with friends, but they where always off doing something with their parents. my parents on the other hand couldn't because they got trapped in a big mortgage and(... wait mort-gage, the hell?) had to work themselves to the bone to pay for the house, and all the problems it caused. don't get me wrong I love them to death, and I had no problem with them working, even when I only got to see my dad an hour a week. but anyway, I'm getting off topic.

like I said, school was my favorite thing to do during the summer, at least for elementary. I could go to a big school, which was a well funded dilapidated facility, where I could learn about math, science, spelling, and most importantly reading very interesting books. In fact, that's the place I got into crime novels, just to excape to somewhere interesting. however, I did not like to read. right now you give me an interesting book and I can finnish it in a day; If you gave me a book, you'd never see me read it, but instead read the first and last page of every chapter. I was busy smacking different rocks together, and rebelling by hiding in the bushes that we where told to stay out of. honestly after they caught me the first 10 times they just gave up.

alright that's all i'll say about school, having only covered elementary, because I got nothing to write and alot to keep me motivated. scratch that, reverse it. (Hope it gives you hell hope it gives you hell... love that song) so what else is there? crap, i've lost my topics motivation... welp lets end it here then... comment your thoughts or messege me em or whatever you can do with this... hell I don't know. night all

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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