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She opened her eyes, only to shut them back because of the glare of the sun from the open window.

She remembered closing the blinds herself before going to bed last night. That could only mean one thing.

Her hand snaked under the covers to her left, to find the person she suspected, had done that. But all she found was the cold empty sheet, which caused goosebumps to raise on her arms. The cold snapped her eyes open and she looked around the room.

Dresser mirror in one corner by the walk-in closet they shared, her reading desk, a shelf of basketball trophies and books which also had an orange ball on the top most shelf, the rug covered with clothes and a shoe rack in a corner with her neatly set shoes and a guy's randomly placed boots and sneakers.

But no human in sight.

"Stanley!!!" She yelled at the top of her voice. She was not angry at him, she could never be, in fact she found the gesture adorable. But it was one of their couple-jokes.

"The sun's killing me!!" She moaned and pressed her head into the pillow besides hers. It still had the familiar scent of cologne from last night.

"Your not a vampire, June!!" Came a reminder from out side the room, and soon after it, the door opened to let in the love of her life. Stanley Mason.

The college basket ball star, in his blue faded jeans and a red sweater, looked like he had taken a shower an hour ago. His thick copper hair was falling into his eyes and he flicked it back as he made his way to her with a spectacular smile.

He reached her and sat down by the bed on his toes, his face inches away from her's.

"Morning." Stanley whispered, despite the fact they were alone.

"Morning" June replied. A smile forming on her lips which turned into a full grin when he smiled too. But then she remembered something else and a frown formed on her brows.

"Is it today?" She asked. And then turned her face away to hide the hurt when he nodded. 

Stanley was so excited about this. He had been going on for days about finally meeting his grandfather in a little town outside Denver. This was a family trip, and so June was not going. She didn't want to either. Because Stanley's sister would be there too.

No thank you. She had said too politely for her self, when Stan's mom, Mrs Stephanie  Mason had offered her.

"Come on, June" Stan whined, as he pulled her face back towards his.

"It's not like you don't know my family. We've been besties since kindergarten."

At this, June sat up in bed and quite dramatically threw the covers off her, inviting the morning chill.

"I know your family, Stan" she clarified. "That's why I don't wanna go. Your sister is creepy."

Stan laughed at her last words and sat down on the bed, facing her.

"We leave in an hour, June." He took her hand and moved his thumb over her knuckles.

"You must go to your parents place then." She realised out loud, her frown deepening.

"I have twenty minutes." He whispered, raising her hand to his lips. June smiled at that gesture. Stanley kissed her knuckles one by one, and didn't take his eyes of hers while he did so.

"And your mom would like you to be a good boy and be early." June replied grinning, as she leaned a bit closer.

"I hate it when your right." He whispered and placed a small kiss on her lips, but didn't pull back completely after wards. Just enough to tell her that he loved her.

"I love you too." June told him, kissing him again. It was good, always better then the first.

"Hi Stanley!!" She stuck the phone between her shoulder and head and handed the cup of low fat coffee to the costumer in the other side of the shelf. she was on the order-receiving today.

"Hello June." He said, on the other side. "We just left the town."

June nearly squealed at the information. Stanley had been gone for three weeks and she had missed him so much.

"Yayyyy!" she cheered, then she realised. "Who's driving?"

There was a laugh on the other side.

"Dad's driving, babe." He replied. "Don't worry".

"Oh. Okay." She took an inaudible breath of relief.

"I miss you." Stanley said making June smile as she handed a decaf latte to a middle-aged lady.

"I missed you too." She said as the lady smiled at her.

"Describe your surroundings." She told him returning back to the counter. This was one of the things they did normally. Stanley had come up with it initially and then it became a fun game for the two.

"Well..." he thought for a while. "The suns shining bright, there's a lone cloud hopefully travelling home... dad's driving. Mom's stupidly grinning at him. Alice is busy on the phone with her oh-so-mysterious-boyfriend. And I'm talking to you, babe. Your turn."

"Well.." June looked around "I'm in my uniform at Becky and J's and-"

June was cut short by a crash and then a very feminine scream. Her heart stopped and the coffee-cup almost fell from her hand.

"Stan?" She asked into the phone, placing the cup on the counter. But there was nothing. Just noises she couldn't place.

Colour drained from her face. The customer gave her a worried look.

"Stanley?" She asked again. Nothing.

"STANLEY!!" She yelled into the phone.

But there was no one left on the other side to reply. Just the blazing fire from the gasoline in the car, the flickering flames of which were audible on the phone.

June fell to her knees at the spot. Her heart was drumming in her ears. Her breath was stuck in her lungs. People were asking her what had happened but the words couldn't form on her tongue.

Someone, a girl kneeled in front of her and an other placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to find the gorgeous blond Becky, and behind her was the lovely red head Jen, her two bosses.

"What happened?" Becky asked, worry dripping from her tone.

"Stanley..." was all she could say. "Something happened to my Stan."

But deep inside, she knew. That she had lost him.

Stanley was gone.

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