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** Carley's P.O.V.**

"WAKE UP!!" my mom said as I was trying to sleep through my alarm. "CARLEY, SERIOUSLY WAKE UP, YOU DON'T WANNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!"

"Ughh fine!" i finally get out of bed and get into the shower when my brother decided he was gonna take all the hot water in his shower. "Okay i guess my hair is gonna be in a bun today" So i finish getting ready and get my coffee and head out to the car where my mom and brother, Geoff, are impatiently  waiting for me.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Carley." my brother quickly said as i got into the car.

"Oh shut-up, Geoff, I wouldn't be this late if you didn't take all the hot water for your shower" I replied.

"Oh, both of you SHUT-UP!" my mom said sounding very irritated with my brother and me.

** Emily's P.O.V.**

"Where is she?" I said.

" Emily, calm down. She's probably just running late I'm sure she didn't forget." Brianna said trying to calm me down.

"Ughh,I wonder what it could be today?" I said trying to figure out why she could be running late.

"Maybe she couldn't find her shoes. I mean it is Carley and you can't find anything in her room." Brianna said as she was finishing her make up.

"Haha, true. Hey look who finally showed up!" I said as Carley finally walked into my house.

"You know while I was in the car I was thinking why do I wake up earlier just to come here then go to school? I mean you know I could still be asleep right now."

"Well you come here so I can drive you, because you know, I CAN DRIVE!" I said bragging to them.

"AS LONG AS AN ADULT IS IN THE CAR!" Bri and Carley said in unison

"You have your permit not your license" Carley reminded me.

"Yes, i know. but you guys dont so, HA!" I said back.

"Can we just go to school now? OH MY GOD! did I just say that?" Bri said disgusted with herself.

"Ya, lets go." Carley said rushing us out the door.

**Zoe's P.O.V.**

I was in 3rd period when Carley walked in with Jenna and since it was Jenna and Carley i knew they were talking about One Direction so i decided to listen in.

"Did you see the OneBigAnnouncement website this morning?" Jenna asked Carley even though she knew she didn't have to.

"Are you kidding me?!?! Of course i did!" Carley replied.

"Guys can we talk about something other than One Direction for once?" i asked even though i knew what they were gonna say.

"NO!" they both replied like I was a disgrace. The bell rang and sub, handed out music sheets for us to "name the key" which i understand we were in music but seriously? We arn't dumb. Carley and Jenna didn't even look at the paper before they started talking about One Direction again.

"So my mom said I could go to Brazil to see them in concert if they don't put the U.S. on their tour." Carley said Bragging to Jenna. "She even said I could get a V.I.P. pass so I can meet them"

"Are you kidding me? My mom said i most likely won't be able to go because it's to inappropriate according to my mom and disgraceful according to my grandma."

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