Part 1: uninvited guest

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(just a heads up this is meh first book and I'm really bad at writing plz don't judge me •3• - luv Maddie)

(Y/N) P.O.V
(Y/N) was currently laying in bed stareing at the ceiling as her parents continued to fight downstairs ranting on and on about random things.
"WILL YOU TWO JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!", As you yelled down the stairs everything became silent and all u could hear was the sound of the crickets chirping outside of your window.
(Y/N) layed back down smiling now that her parents where finally being quite but she had a slight feeling something was wrong.

Jeff's P.O.V
As Jeff walked threw the neighborhood his white slightly blood stained hoodie up, as his long black hair drapped over his shoulders
He sludged threw the thick leaf's that swept along the cold cement sidewalk.
He was currently looking for another victim, as he heard two parents arguing about random shit, he smirked making his already cut smile grow even bigger.
He slowly crawled threw the window and crept twords the two fighting figures.
Jeff quickly went behind the woman and sliced her throat fresh crinsom blood slpattering all over the man and himself, he laughed insanely as he let the woman's body drop lifelessly to the floor and charged at the man "GO TO SLEEP!" He said as he pined the man to the floor stabbing him multiple times in the chest finishing the job by slicing his throat.
Jeff stood to his feet now covered in the couple's blood he then heard some movement up the stairs, he grinned "hehe more victims for me..."

(Y/N) P.O.V
I the sound of a man wait no it sounded almost like some one my age like maybe 17 or 18.
I scrambled to my dresser grabbing my kitchen knife preparing myself for anything.
I then heard the boreds of the stairs creeking then my doornob slightly turning....

Jeff's P.O.V
I walked up the stairs trying not to make any noise what do ever I walked to a pain white door and slowly turned the doornob and slowly peeked my head in only to see a girl about my age with (H/L), (H/C) hair with (E/C) Eyes and she was holding something, I fixed my gaze on the thing that she was holding only to fine out it was a kitchen knife similar to mine.

(Y/N) P.O.V
I watched closely as the door slowly creeked open a boy about my age peeking his head in I noticed he had long black hair that went to his shoulders, blue eyes but his eyelids where burned off!,
His skin looked kinda leathery and was paper white, and the thing that really caught my eyes was his smile it sent shivers up my spine as I stare at his carved smile into his cheeks that reached from his mouth to about his cheekbones.
I now realized who it was it was Jeff the killer I thought it was all made up?!? Everyone told me they where just made up horror stories to scare people!
WELLL NOOO! In this case its different I have the fucking real Jeff the mother fucking killer standing in my doorway covered in blood just stareing at me!!!

Jeff's P.O.V
After what seemed like hours I finally broke my gaze and leaped at her she swong her knife forward at me cutting my Arm a little,
I swong the knife back at her making a long gash in her arm. She cried in pain I snickered as I heard her scream. She then picked up a book and swong it at my head causing me to fall to the floor.

(Y/N) P.O.V
I watched as he fell to the floor holding his head groaning in pain. He then jumped up and glared at me.
"I'll let u live for now kid but I'll be back!" And with that he opened my window and jumped out without another word. I then ran downstairs only to find my mom and dad laying there in their own pile of blood dead, I gasped and quickly dialed 911 and told them everything that happen except for the part where Jeff came in because I was afraid he would find me and kill me or they would just not believe me and say I'm seeing things so I just told them that I was sleeping one night heard a couple screams came downstairs and they we're dead.
After everything happened I was sent to live with my aunt so many thoughts raced threw my head like 'what if he kills my aunt too!' 'what if he kills me' 'are they ever gonna believe me?!'.

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