fifty shades of grey continued.

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Seeing as I enjoyed fifty shades so much I thought I'd write my own version of events geometer the book left off after Ana announces she is pregnant. Enjoy!!!!

Chapter one;

I woke with a jolt,I'm still tired,it must be early hours of the morning. I feel weak,it's still only early days of my pregnancy but I'm so tired and worn out. I glance around the room,it's dark and I can barely see a thing. I love over at my lovely caring kind and loving husband,he's fast asleep. He look so peaceful when sleeping.

I clamber out of bed trying to be as quiet as possible I am still getting pain in my ribs from hydes attack,I can't tell Christian he would insist on me being checked over but I know there is no point in fussing. I make my way to the kitchen I need a drink my throat feel dry and horrible. I pour myself a sneaky glass of wine. Wow Christian has been a nightmare about me drinking any amount of alcohol,but I know a drop won't hurt.

I sit on the sofa and take a few moments to myself I don't seem to get this time there is always someone fussing over me! I'm bought back to the here and now by muffled sobs and moans coming the bedroom. disposing of my glass in the sink I dart toward the bedroom.

"Christian, wake up baby I'm here"

His eyes shoot open and find mine.

"It was just a bad dream baby" I say cradling him in my eyes like a child.

A thought of a little boy comes to mind,Christian as a little boy.

NO NO NO I must not go there. It's to agonizing to think about.

"Oh Ana baby,you're here you're really here."

suddenly his mouth finds mine,I try to deepen the kiss but he reluctantly pulls away.

"No" he mouths at me.

Jeez he has been so hands off since the Hyde incident treating me like I'm a fragile piece of glass.

"Fine" I huff and nuzzle my head into his neck and chest and lay down.

Soon enough I'm fast off.

Chapter two;

The sun is beaming through the window I glance up. You can tell it's cold outside summer is finally ending.I roll over hoping to land into my dear husband's arms but I'm filled with let down. He isn't next to me. Hm where is he? I sit up and rub my eyes.

I clumsily climb out of bed and shrug on one of Christians t shirts and find my sweats. I see Christian sitting on a bar stool reading the newspaper.

He notices me staring and offers me a grin the touches his eyes.

I offer him a weak smile in return.

"Good morning Mrs Grey"

Oh atleast he didnt notices my weak smile I can't be bothered with him questioning me. Truth be told I'm just worn out and feel a bit out of sorts. Nothing to worry about.

"Good morning Mr Grey. You're you bright and early."

"as are you Mrs Grey"

I giggle

"Oh I love that sound, Mrs Jones is doing breakfast it should be about 5 minutes" Christian murmurs to me

I turn and notice Mrs Jones making breakfast,it smells divine

"Good morning Gail"

"Good morning Ana pancakes Bacon and eggs ok for you?"

"Of course that sounds lovely Thank-you" I smile at her

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2014 ⏰

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