Chapter III

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After recovering, Leila basically ran back to her dorm room to get cleaned up. Rika kept on bugging her but she shoved her away in order to get cleaned. It wasn't exactly easy and she didn't want to take the dress off because it was complicated to get back on. It took maybe an hour to fix up everything so she didn't smell like sex and sweat. She changed her panties and then went over to relax on her bed, well as best she could in a corset. That thing really restricted her breathing. She wouldn't have long to wait though and it would be well worth it.

"You gonna talk to me now?" Rika asked but this time she was speaking in Japanese. Rika's native tongue was Japanese, Leila's wasn't. Though Leila spoke it fluently she more or less thought in English while Rika's thoughts tended to be more in Japanese. They had discussed this at one point, and Rika told her when she was feeling tired or lazy she was just going to talk in Japanese.

"He invited me off campus tonight, told me he's going to take me somewhere." She smiled from the bed looking far more dreamy than she realized at that point.

"Be careful he doesn't sell you into sex slavery." She joked and then hopped down from the bed and went to her computer desk. "You know his first name right?"

"No, but it can't be that hard to find. I'm sure it's on the school website. I guess it's just more fun to call him Mr. Allistar." Leila giggled, "Why? Is it something weird?"

"Not a weird name, I just thought it would be funny to see his reaction if you called him that out of the blue. It's David." Rika told her and moved the mouse on her computer to wake up the screen, "However I did some research, his last name is not Allistar."

"You and your stupid research." Leila rolled her eyes and fluffed up her pillows more so she could sit comfortably. "Why would he change his name?"

"Nothing weird, it just seems for a while he was a stage performer didn't really go anywhere, kept the stage name." Rika shrugged, "I mean he was never famous or anything. His last name was kind of boring anyway so I can see why he changed it."

"What was it?" Leila asked.

"Jones." Rika replied and pulled up a computer game to play. Leila laughed loudly, then she thought of her own last name. Dawson. It was rather generic as last names were. Though because of who her parents were it didn't take long for anyone to figure out who she actually was. As the only child to the owners of that company people weren't unaware. Her parents had done a very good job keeping her pictures out of the paper, as she was a minor until recently, but now she was an adult and things could start to get tricky.

"Why are you even bringing this up?" She asked.

"Your name is famous if you go out with him it might be wise not to use your real one. Even just Leila might be a bad idea. You know that and if you don't want people noticing a secret identity might be best. All anyone would need is one picture and you are screwed. So is he." Rika told her. Leila glanced at the computer. She was playing the latest version of The Sims, whatever number game they were on, and working on customizing a man who looked exactly like Allistar. She had a penchant for creating characters to put in there that were modeled after people she actually knew. Leila was already in the game and Rika had made a character for herself.

"I'll mention it to him, but I doubt we are going to be doing anything that will draw too much attention to us. He doesn't want to get fired either, also people mostly don't care. I get more privacy than you might think." Leila told her as she started to play with her braid a bit nervously.

"That's because people know your name, not your face. Now it's completely legal to publish pictures of you, just be careful. I don't want you to get hurt." Rika said not looking back at her. Leila nodded and moved to grab her iPad, she had stuff she could do while she was waiting for seven o'clock to come.

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