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(y/n)~ your name
(l/n)~ last name
(n/n)~nick name
(h/l)~ hair length
(h/c)~hair color
(e/c)~eye color
(s/c)~skin color

You're name is (f/n)(l/n). You are a new student attending DWMA. You are a "meister". You and your partner resonate perfectly. That's only because you knew her all your life. You had a huge secret though. You were a witch. Nobody but you and your partner knew. You didn't want to go to the witch academy. You wanted to fight evil not embrace it.

You've met your partner when you were about 5 to 6 years old. You were painfully shy and incapable of making any noise. The other kids found you creepy. She was the only person who tried to talk to you, and she was the only person to ever make you laugh. Her name was Kayomi.

You've never really had family. You were taken in from when you were a child, or at least that's what you've been told. They never gave you much information. After the dean in charge (aka Death himself), saw your skills, you finally got a sort of promotion. You've never met the kids in the EAT class, you've only ever heard of them. On one hand you were elated, but on the other,  you were anxious.


As you awake you do your daily morning routine. Once you've finished taking a shower and blow drying your (h/l)(h/c) hair, you styled it to your liking. You wore a white blouse, long sleeved and modest, along with a royal blue dress jumper that reached just above your knees. The jumper had gold flowered buttons that aligned straight down the middle. You wore white, thigh high socks with black Mary jane miranda pumps. Although you were conservatively dressed, you were absolutely stunning. You made breakfast for you and your partner. She awoke 30 minutes before you to get a headstart on her makeup. When she exited her bedroom she was the definition of badass. Her hair was short and edgy. Her freckled cheeks made her look even more gorgeous.

"Sweet! French Toast! My favorite," She grinned.

"Only for the best."

"Are you excited for today? If anyone gives you problems you run to me, you know I'll mess em up for sure!"

"Thank you. I'll be fine."

"I can't wait to meet the main guys. Like Soul! That guy is too cool! Who do you want to meet?"

"No one comes to mind." But someone did come to mind. You were enraptured with the could've-been-Kishin. He seems so innocent and...sweet. Or at least Thats what you heard. Your cheeks grew hot.

"(N/n)? Who's got you all hot and bothered?"

"We'd better be leaving now."

"Oh crap! You're right, we cant be late. I dont know about you but I'd prefer it if I kept all of my organs," she bolted out grabbing her backpack not waiting for you. You calmly made your way to the classroom. You were anxious but curious to see how it goes from here.

As you grew close you saw Kayomi waiting for you by the door.

"I couldn't just leave you alone," She smiled nervously.

"Or you didnt want to go in alone."

"You caught me."


She opened the door carefully and what lied ahead was about a thousand eyes glued onto the both of you. The both of you shyly approached the front of the classroom.

"Class, allow me to welcome our new students, (y/n) and Kayomi." "Welcome to my class." His smile was mischievous and he proceeded to play with the giant bolt erecting from the side of his head. "Find some empty seats and get comfortable, those will be your seats till the REST OF ETERNITY!" He let out a creepy laughter. You found this oddly amusing and slightly charming...your partner on the other hand, did not.

All of the other seats were seperated from eachother. There were only about 4 left. One in the front row, another in the back. The other two were in between a blue hair'd kid with a funny haircut, and... The ex kishin. Once again your cheeks flooded with heat and you looked back to your partner. She smiled and mouthed the word 'blackstar' at you. He was one of her favorites.
You and Kayomi took your seats. You were nervous because she obviously took the seat next to Blackstar leaving you seated next ti the gorgon. You sat down and saw your partner flirting with the blue hair'd boy. You turned your neck to your neighbor and your gaze slowly focused on his weapon coming our of his back.

"Check out this broad, she looks funny." His blunt remark made you feel insecure.

"I-I think she looks nice." The pink haired boy whispered, unaware that you were listening.

"Course you would, you're a lonely loser. You think anyone looks nice." He said poking at the boy's ear.

"Stop it Ragnarok. Your speaking too loudly, she'll hear our conversation."

"Oh you want me to be more quiet huh?" He said raising his voice. He was starting to annoy you as well. You let out a deep sigh and began to start your assignment.

"Ragnarok, you're drawing too much attention. I cant deal with rejection." You tried to hold back a smile and softly chuckled.

"So you can hear us?"

"I've been listening."

"Mind your own beezwax lady, Im having a private conversation "

"Well how can I when your raising your voice so loudly?" You asked innocently.

"I told you" Crona mumbled and continued to avoid eye contact.

"Hello, Im (y/n)." You smiled.

Corona remained silent.

"Aye bozo she greeted herself, your supposed to reply", he nagged.

"Im Crona."

"What, you're not gonna greet me? Screw you lady"

"In sorry, Nice to meet you Ragnarok."

"Yeah well it aint nice meeting you."

"Is it ok if you show us around DWMA?" You gestured toward your friend.

"Yeah we can do that!" Blackstar interrupted. "I cant wait to show you guys the rest of the gang! You're gonna love them!"

"We cant wait either blackstar! This is gonna be so fun!" Your partner replied.

"Only cuz we'll be there! I know a party animal when I see one. We're gonna make this the best tour ever!"

"Yay!" Kayomi exclaimed. While Kayomi and blackstar drifted off into their own conversation
You turned once again to speak to Crona.

"Would you like to meet up after class?"

Once again no response. Ragnarok hit him beside the head.

"If you'd like."

"Id be delighted. See you then."

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