I found a box. A box of empty liquor bottles full of unsaid feelings. A box of letters ripped open but full of lies and broken promises. Lies like "I Love you" and promises like "I'll change". A box of dreams not chased and unfulfilled. Dreams of a happy family and real love. A Box of memories I can never forget and Nightmares that reoccur and haunt me in my sleep. There's pictures but only one is framed. You're holding our daughter for the first time... the moment time stood still for you and the center of your world was in your arms and it didn't even feel like gravity was holding you to the earth anymore because she was...
But the box is still full of lies and broken promises and nightmares and empty liquor bottles that are only filled with anger. The box is still full of all the things that went wrong with us. The box still makes me cry. The thought of you no longer gives me hope or makes me feel safe. The thought of you makes me cry. The thought of you makes me angry.