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 Chloe rapped her knuckles against the rice paper Fusuma door and stepped back patiently, which for her, didn't last long. Three seconds hadn't even passed when she started tapping her feet impatiently, amplified by the long corridor of apartments down either side of her.

Ugh, she thought, how can anyone put with waiting like this for hours? Utterly ridiculous! Ok, be cool Chloe, once this is all over you won't have to wait like this anymore...

Suddenly, and finally as it seemed to her, the door swung open to reveal the peaceful, Chinese inspired design of the room inside. This seemed to be the right place. Standing at the door was a short grey man in a red Hawaiian tee-shirt, his slanted gaze focused up at her curiously.

"Oh...Miss Bourgeois is it not?" his tone seemed welcoming, but something about it hinted a small resentment against seeing the Mayors daughter.

"Ah, who else could it be?" Chloe had to boast upon starting the conversation, "It's not like there's many other girls in Paris as fabulous as moi!"

She noticed the old man roll his eyes. Annoyance rose slightly inside her, but she simply ignored it and went on with what she was saying.

"Anyways, is this the little Chinese spa thing or whatever I was told about around here?"

"Yes, but I'm afraid customer hours are currently closed at the moment. Not that I mean to disappoint the Mayors daughter after all..."

Chloe could sense the sarcasm in his voice, was everyone going to judge her like this after the Queen Bee incident?

But yet again she left it alone, knowing the real reason why she was even here in the first place.

"Oh, I'm not here for a session, I'm going to the Eiffel tower later this evening for a delicious caviar buffet and I couldn't possibly have the time before getting ready. I'd ask if you understand, but I guess it's just a rich people thing." she tried to sound as much like her normal self as possible.

"But anyway, I was wondering when I could book a session tomorrow, and what sort of deals you offer. Want to make sure I see if this place's full potential is adequate enough for the daughter of the mayor of Paris."

"Yes, I see..." his narrowing eyebrows made it seem like he was the annoyed one now. "Well, the highest quality massage takes about 2 hours, so I can book you in for..."

He rambled on about the different offers, but Chloe didn't pay a single bit of attention. Her gaze was focused over the old man's shoulder and towards the back of the room, where a tiny flashing light was buzzing in mid-air above the back bureau. It lingered for a moment before completely vanishing, just as it did so a notification went off from Chloe's phone in her back pocket. She took it out and opened up the lock screen, it was a text message from a contact by the name of "Ice Queen."

"The flower is located, awaiting orders from the queen bee"

Perfect  thought Chloe, as she tucked her phone away and clutched another object in her back pocket.

"Yeah yeah" she interrupted the old man's listing, "so if this place is like a spa or something do you do pedicures then?"

"What? Pedicures?" he gave her a strange look, caught out by the sudden question.

But right as he said that, a large crashing noise erupted from inside the room as part of the apartment's ceiling collapsed in a heap of dust. The man turned to look where the sound had come from, leaving Chloe to cautiously check either side of the corridor with a grin on her face. Once the coast was clear, she pushed him into the room and shut the door quickly behind her. He turned around to confront her, but Chloe was quicker than him, as she took out the spike point dagger from behind her and jabbed a small scar in the man's neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2020 ⏰

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