Chapter 1

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Today is the first day back to school. When I got out my bed the first thing I did was prayed.

"Most gracious and eternal father lord God I come before you thank you for letting me see another unpromised day. Guide and protect me as I head to school. Cover my family in the precious blood of Jesus in your name I pray amen."

I went to take a shower. When I was done with my shower and other hygienic things. I quickly got dressed. I put on a burgundy pencil dress a cream cardigan with light brown Flats.

When I was fully dressed I had it downstairs for some breakfast. My mom made me an egg sandwich.

How rude am I to not introduce myself. My name is Starlisha. I am 16 years old. This is also my last year in high school. I live with my mom dad and two brothers.

Today I have to take Kevin to school seeing that it's his first year in high school. Kevin inherited the hazel eyes from dad. He also has short and curly hair.

"kev lets go" I shouted

"Im coming sis"

He came running down the stairs.

"Got everything you needed?" I asked him. He nodded

"Alright lets go"

"Later mom have a God blessed day" I shouted as I walked out the door.

When we got to school I went to my locker to get what I needed to start off the school day.

As I walk to homeroom I bumped into someone. He looks like he's new around here.

"Could this day get any worse" He mumbled underneath his breath

"Wow who pissed in your cereal"

"Wow sorry I'm Devon" he stated

"It was nice to meet you I'm Starlisha I'll see you around"

I was early so I took a seat to the front. I'm not a local nor am I popular. I'm average but many people at school likes my kind and caring ways.

Couple minutes before the bell rang my best friend came strolling and with the biggest smile on her face she's my other half by faith.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when someone pinch me I turn around and glared at my best friend.

"How was space?" she asked I laughed at her question

My best friend called Carlicia is something else she is a crazy one.

"Let me see your schedule" she said

Homeroom- 8:00-8:15 Ms McCartney
Music- 8:20- 9:15 Mr Cooper
Music- 9:20-10:15 Mr Cooper
AP Calculus-10:20-11:15 Mrs Corlette
Gym- 11:20-12:15 Ms. Miller
AP English-1:20-2:15 Ms. Francis
Free Period-2:20-3:15

"We have all our classes together" she squealed

"Lord help me" I whispered underneath my breath but I think she heard.

The bell rings signaling that it was time for first period. We headed to music.

"Good Morning class" The teacher said.

"Good Morning Mr. Cooper"

"we have a new student with us. Can you please stand and introduce yourself to the class"

"My name is Devon Anderson and I moved here from New York."

"Thank you very much" He told Devon "Now class I want you to sing a song that you think describes you Starlisha you're up first"

So I decided to sing stand out by keke palmer . I grabbed a guitar from the next side and sat on the stool. Then I started singing

"When I see myself in the mirror, is this really me. When I take off all my makeup that's the person I should be . See I know once they get to know me. Then they'll see what I see....." and I closed my eyes and let the music take over as I continued singing.

When I was done I heard a lot of clapping and I bowed.

The list went on until it was Devon's time. He sang stitches. His voice was perfect. And the words of the song made me want to get to know him.

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