Where We belong -
Plot: 10/10 The book continued to develop and it really drew me in which is hard with a fan-fiction of Once Upon a Time because they are so common! I found it super different to the original plot of Once but so close at the same time! It was cute and really funny too! It brought me to tears but made me so happy as well and I highly recommend it! Grammar:8/10 It's Grammar was pretty good, besides a few mis-spelled words and the good grammar drew me in even more! Characters: 10/10 The main protagonist of the story interested me, she seemed intriguing in the first chapters and awesome in the last! I loved the main male protagonist, he brought a lot of interest, probably why I read the book twice. There was a lot character development. Couple chapters into the book and I know what she looks like or what her age and situation is and same with everyone else. She really had a personality and I could connect with her.Cover 7/10 the cover was nice and attractive but didn't correlate with the title of the book, it did however correlate with the characters!.Overall rating of book: 9/10 If I came across this book I would read it. It was neat and easy to read. It wasn't choppy and had a great description. Had a lot of both telling and showing. Showing of dialogue. I really enjoyed this book. The first couple chapters drew me in and I would highly recommend reading this awesome book. The whole rating of this book: 50/50!!!
Where we belong was our only fan-fiction!
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