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In the heavy rain a healthy  brunette girl of 20 years age with brown eyes is running. She is holding a cake box in her right hand and in in left hand she is holding umbrella. It was raining heavily so her car stopped midway so she decided to walk all the way to the love of her life's office building.

When she entered the building it was almost empty as most of the employees had gone out for lunch. She is tired as she has just landed in this country as she has gone to A country as the representative of her lover's assignment.

She likes to do things for him. Today is his birthday so she wants to give surprise to him.

When she reached outside his office she heard the familiar laughter coming from there. The office doo was bit ajar so she looked inside and found her younger brother, her cousin and her lover were seated but the thing which shocked her was that her cousin was sitting on her lover's lap. She remain quieted and decided to hear what they were saying. She then heard her beautiful cousin asking her younger brother sitting infront of her lover and her cousin

"Cousin , from where did you get such an excellent idea to fool that girl?"

Her brother snorted and said

"Its not my idea . Its father's idea. He married her mother for her company but after he planned in killing her mother he came to know that the fool's mother has already given all her property to that fool. So his plan failed. So he then brought my mother and me to his house and I have to act like a sincere loving brother in front of that love sick fool just to get in her good graces and see where I am now. The future CEO of the company which should be mine."

Her heart broke when she heard him saying that because she loved her younger step brother dearly. She never would have thought that her father is her mother's killer and this was all his plan all along.

Then she saw her lover asking him

"Don't you think , we are being to harsh on her.?"

"Oh Please! You better don't say anything for her okay. Because you played the major part in our plan. You made her fall in love with you and made her your slave who actually did so many things and neglected her mother's comapny which gave me a chance to get in the good graces of the shareholders who are now in my grasp. She don't even know that she has been removed from the CEO'S post which is now mine and my father has legally disowned her when she will come back affer the signing of the contract we will use her connections to make my company strong and then I will remove her from the company. And why yoy are taking her side. Don't forget that you will wed my cousin and if you will think of betraying over that fatso I will end our friendship and will destroy your company."

Her brother to whom she once loved said disdainfully.

Then she heard that pathetic excuse of a man to whom she dreamt of marrying said

"Man, you know i was just using her. The fact is just that she is too intelligent and I want to keep her doing my work. And I love your cousin not that ugly duckling." He said and kissed her cousin on the lips adn her cousin to whose each and every wish she fullfilled has betaryed her.

She could never think that the family she considered dearly were the one to destroy her world.

She quietly went away from there and threw that cake in the dustin and went outside the building in heavy rain .

She started walking with no particular direction for her to go. But one thing is sure that she will make that regret killing her mother and making fun of her love.

She will surely snatch what they hold dearly to them.

She will get what rightfully belongs to her.

She didn't see that she has started  crossing the road at the green light and didn't notice a car coming towards her at full speed. The car hit her and her body went flying .

On the road a body was laying and the blood flowing out from the body was getting mixed with  rain water on the ground. Everyone has formed a circle around her. Everyone was unsure how to help the girl as her body was twisted at different angles. Some people were calling ambulance and some were throwing up at the horrible site of her body.

Nobody could see the tears of betrayal flowing through her eyes and the determination for revenge and hate for gods to end her life so quickly.

Cover: Thanks to  @Studiousboy

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