The Meeting; Part 1

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Everyone says that when you go to hell you're supposed to meet Death. They say he is a demon with fangs dripping in blood, horns made of human bones, with wings made from their flesh. But when I was is brought to Hell and met Death, he isn't what I thought he would be. Death doesn't have horns or wings. But, he is actually is really sweet. He is tall, with black hair, pale skin, blue eyes, and the softest smile with his fangs. When I first meet Death, he's wearing a My Chemical Romance hoodie with blue jeans and converse. Death says "Hi, my name is Thánatos Lucifer. Welcome to hell. What's your name?" I'm taken back, I didn't think Death would be so polite. "My name is Eliza, Eliza Brown. Umm, are you sure I am in the right place, this looks like emo teens place not hell?" I say. "Yea your in the right place. Want me to give you to your room and the tour of the place?" Draco asks. I am still extremely confused but I nod my head. He walks me around Hell and shows me to my room and "A few more things if you need me just wright 42-42-564 and then say 'Death Razor'. OK?" I am so confused so I ask "Can I ask some questions? I'm still so confused" he replied with a nod and making a cloud appear and sitting down. "Why am I here? Is this really Hell? Is this real? What am I doing here? Was I really that a bad person?" I ask. "Some people don't come to hell because they're bad people but because a huge amount of people don't like you. Yes this is really hell, I know it's not as fiery as people think its suppose to be like but God won't give me any more fire stuff after I accidentally set an angle on fire. And yes this is real. Any more questions?" he says with a slight smirk on his face. I shake my head being so done with everything here. "OK then, you know how to contact me if you need to. And one more thing would you mind calling me Draco, not Thánatos. Please?" says. I nod my head just waiting for this day to be over. "OK, then I'm going to be going. See you around Liza" he says as he leaves my room.

A few days later, I hear a knocked on my door. And as I open the door I see Draco holding a huge stack of books, a life-size teddy bear, and a basket full of Sour Patch Kids. "Some people get really homesick and depressed when the die. So what I like to do is to bring them a few of things that they always wanted or that they miss the most from the living world. For you, Eliza, you miss your books and Sour Patch kids so I got you the life-size teddy bear you've always wanted, your book, some new books, and candy." Draco says with a smile on his face. "So, can I come in?" He asks. I want to say no and push him away but something tells me not to; so I open the door and let him in. Draco puts the stuff that he has for me and gets his laptop out of his bag and sits on the couch. "So what do you want to watch? I have every movie ever made on this laptop. So what shall we watch?" he says with a smile on his face. "How about a classic? Want to watch Parent Trap?" I ask as I go sit next to him. "A classic indeed," Draco says as he pulls up the movie. For the next 2 hours, we sit and watched one of the greatest movies. Afterward, we walked around hell. When I first got here I didn't really look at how beautiful this place really was. "Thanks for coming over. I had a good time" I say when we get back to my house trying not to blush. Before I knew it he kissed me. "Every time someone is born I get a glance into there life. For some reason, you like caught my eye. I fell in love with Eliza. See you around" He says slightly blushing. Then he walks away, leaving me to stand in the doorway wondering what just happened. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2019 ⏰

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