I'm back. And here to stay.

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Nine years earlier..

"Suke..." Sasu looked down at his twin brother. His eyes were just as red as Sasu's from the crying and eye-rubbing. They were both traumatised by the massacre. Probably scarred for life.

"Yeah?" He sniffled. Sasu sighed as he looked at him. This will be hard.

"I.. I'm going to leave the village."

"What? Why?"

"Because..I know something you don't."

He didn't know the truth. Because he didn't deserve to. Itachi was right.

"Then tell me. Then I can follow you. " He insisted.

"No." Sasu turned his back to him. "You need to stay here. To protect the village while I'm gone."

"Why can't I protect it with you?" Suke asked stubbornly, not wanting the last of his family to leave him.

"Like I said, I know something you don't. I.. Can't stay here. Not anymore." As much as he wanted to stay, to become a ninja alongside him, he just couldn't take the idea of staying here. Not when the very same people that made his brother do those horrible things governed it.

"So you're just going to leave me alone? Even after everything that has happened?"

"Yes, but no." He turned to him so he could see his face. He mostly confused, mixed with sadness, hurt and anger, something Sasu wanted to get rid of before he goes. "You'll have friends here, Suke. Friends I won't have when I'm gone."

Suke sighed, looking down in deep thought before looking back at Sasu. "...So, if you really want to go.. Can you promise me something?"

"Sure.. I guess."

"Promise me you'll come back one day."


Present Time

Sasu stood in front of the large open gates, it's wooden walls towering over him. He could see the tip of the mountain just poking out from above, four - no five heads carved into it. He sighed. He has a lot to catch up on. He started to walk his way towards the gates.

I'm back Suke.. And I'm here to stay.


Author's Note

Just so you know, Sasu is sixteen in the present time, just like Shippuden and seven in the prologue.

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