Landon Walters?

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It was the day I feared most, the day I'd never been confident enough to want to go.
As I walked into the school all I could see was the same girls with the same outfits from last year. The guys with the same asshole attitude. I wonder what they thought when they saw me?
I know I'm way different looking now, considering I worked all summer for it.
Being sick of rejection and judgement can do a lot to a man.
I walked up the stairs leading me to my locker. I've never felt so many burning eyes on me until that exact moment.

I walked over to my locker and opened it, trying to ignore all the different facial expressions. All reacting to me, ha ain't that funny.
I felt a tap on my back and turned.
"Landon Walters, how could it be?"
It was Daisy Habbernath, my old friend.
I'm sure she had a lot to say to me so I skipped to the chase.
"I am so sorry", I started.
She just stared at me, blank face and bright eyes.
"You should be punk", she said as a slight smile spread across her face.
I grabbed her by the waist and gave her the biggest hug. She hugged back.
"You don't have to explain, I get it seriously", she surprised me.
I knew Daisy was kind but I also knew how much I must've hurt her when I left.

Last year was such a tough time for me, I was overweight and depressed. I couldn't take the sadness so I starved myself, hoping to see a change. That only led to me leaving school halfway through the year and entering a group home for people with "anorexia".
Daisy was my bestfriend, of course she knew I was struggling. She never realized how bad it was until I wasn't in school for 5 months.
Now I'm back, and I'm so much better now.

You know what they say, first is the worst second is the best. Well that's not exactly true, although first period was terrible second period really wasn't any better. I didn't miss this place.
I noticed the girl sitting next to me, she looked new.
"Hey I'm Landon, are you new?"
Her face lit up as she turned to me, "Um yes, I'm Gray what's your name?"
I wasn't sure if she hadn't heard me or had short term memory loss.

"Ah Nevermind you already said that, I'm sorry uh... so math?", her white teeth peeked out as she tried to hide a smile.
Was this girl nervous?
"Don't worry about it man. Math is math you know", I carried on.
We talked for the rest of the period with a few dirty looks from our math teacher, still can't remember her name.
That was the first time a girl has ever been nervous talking to me, I guess I've never been intimidating.

The day carried on slowly with pleasure, the pleasure of torturing every kid that walked the halls. Every adult too. It finally reached the last few minutes of 9th period, the day was finally over. I thought.

I walked to my locker to get my stuff quickly when I heard a little hey from a girly voice.
It was Kelly Kaspete. Only the prettiest girl in the grade that every guy craved.
Kelly Kaspete was a faze, a girl you are obsessed with for a year but soon enough get over.
"What's up?", I said surprised for her company.
"I just wanted to know if I could get your number by chance?", she said smiling slightly at me.
My heart dropped.
"Oh, uh ok, sure yeah", I responded pulling out a pen.
She stuck out her wrist indicating for me to write my number of it.
This couldn't be happening, Kelly Kaspete asking for MY number?
It was almost a dream.
We made eye contact for one last time before she smiled and walked away.

Daisy pov

I wasn't expecting to see you so soon. Although it was the first day, I also didn't think you would miss it. But I did miss you. So much.
Why did he look like that? I thought to myself during first period.
What the fuck happened to Landon.
He had been something he never was , attractive.
I don't mean to be rude but it was true. And it was scary.
You see, i had always loved Landon so much, more than a friend. I was too shy to ever tell him but now it's too late. No one knew Landon for what he really was. He was good looking now, now everyone is going to want to know him.
This was my worst fear.
My worst selfish fear.
Hugging him had to be the best feeling in the world. I hope it lasts, I hope he doesn't leave me.

It reached 9th period, me and Landon used to always walk home from school. I was hoping to catch him before he leaves so we could continue that tradition.
As I left my locker I spotted a tiny blonde next to him. I knew exactly who she was.
Fucking Kelly Kaspete. That bitch was so shady to me every year and obviously talked bad about me to her friends.
Why was Landon talking to her? He knew.
"Fuck this", I muttered to myself.
I turned the other direction heading to the buses.


hi guys, the beginning is really slow but im going to try to build from there so bear with me. Enjoy! I'll be trying to post new chapters everyday .

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2018 ⏰

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