Don't Wait Up For Me

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Before this starts i just wanna say im sorry for the shitty writing, i was being an emo cunt oof


it doesn't feel real
this day is gone, i didn't live it i just merely passed through it

apart of me wants to cry and beg and apart of me wants to scream and punch but the part of me that's numb and empty takes over

i'd always hated relationships.
i thought they were a waste of time
because in the end someone's bound to get hurt.

i guess i was right

for a second you made me forget though
for a second i wanted a happy future of you and me
for a second i thought we could make it work

seconds are too short though

once they're here, they're gone

of course i know i'm being dramatic but where else am i going to let my feelings out? i can't even go to my best friend anymore

the worst part is i know you're not coming back
i could tell this wasn't a "break"
but now this means there's nothing left for me here
you were the only reason i wanted to stay
but that option's out the window

so i'll see you in Colorado
if ever you decide to visit
but once i'm gone i'm never coming back

so don't wait up for me

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