I see it all...

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Last Monday I started seeing things... I told myself they were just hallucinations.. but now.. I know they're real..

It was September 9th.. I thought my brother had been revived.. I saw him.. I called to him.. but he didn't respond to me.. I knew he heard me, and I saw him try to speak but I couldn't hear him. I thought it was just my mind telling me that I miss him, and I do. I've missed him for so long, I want him to come back to me, he was like my best friend.

This wasn't all that I saw..

I saw things around corners, ghosts perhaps... but they looked like they were alive. I saw the Urban Legend characters that I was scared of as a kid.. all of them were real.. but no one else could see them.. am I the only one they're haunting?

No.. I can't be.. It can't be just me..

These corpses and ghosts.. they drive me crazy.. make me want to kill them and everything around me... I see them in my room and I try and stab them.. if I hear someone knock at my door, I pull out my handgun and hide it behind the door pointing it at them in case I think they're one of the horrors that I see..

I never feel safe, nor can I ever be alone.. they're always there..

When I went to a Christmas party with my family, they asked me if I was high on meth.. I told them I had no sleep because I knew I was never alone... always being watched.. they tried to comfort me and told me everything was going to be okay.. deep down though, I heard their souls asking if I really was okay..

They doubted me, they tried to call the police on me... I ran and called curses upon them.. the next day the police came to my door and told me they were all dead and I smiled at them.. they looked at me with distaste and just walked away... I focused on their minds, and I heard what they were really thinking of me, they were wondering why I was happy about my family dying.. they thought that I was crazy.. but I know I'm not... I pulled my knife out of my pocket and smiled at them as they walked away..

I thought of all of my favorite horror characters like Jeff the Killer.. and I saw him.. he walked towards them.. and they fell to the ground.. blood on the sidewalk.. I walked inside and threw the knife in the trash can... I saw blood on it.. blood was on my hands..

Three months later I started seeing things in my stingy little apartment.. they filled it up and blood covered their bodies, we were alike.. I would talk with them and we would agree that we weren't crazy.. just people who saw the truth..

But when I walked in public, people would avoid me and try to shield themselves from me, I became known as the guy who was always high.. but I never had drugs or alcohol... I was just blessed with this power.. this overwhelming sensation of control..

I was finally happy, I had lost control over my life but I regained it...

As time passed, I started to notice more people around me would just fall to the ground and wither away... I started seeing more of those like me... they would speak to me and not turn their backs on me... I had it all.

Two more months passed.. and then they started to disappear... I tried making blood sacrifices for them to come back.. even my own blood.. but they never did.. some nights I slept in my own blood.. wondering when I would find that power that I so desired..

I came to the conclusion, that if I wanted to see them.. I would have to become them.. so I made the decision.. I would become one of them.. and now.. I am.. I'm one who wanders.. I can finally.. see it all.. again..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2018 ⏰

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