Part 1

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You're laying there on your bed. You don't want to do anything but sleep but your mind keeps racing. You don't want too, but  you are. You can't stop thinking about him. You know it's wrong you know you already have a boyfriend but you miss the old days.

It's now late October almost Halloween. You can't stop thinking about that one moment that happened before the summer started, on the last day of school. You keep on going back to that day last day school of grade 10. You were going to a different school and everyone was crying because they were going to miss you so much. Then you look over, you see him standing there he looks like he's going to cry. You start to head towards him he starts walking towards you, you both bash into each other, a passionate big bear hug. You can't stop yourself from sobbing more into the crook  of his neck.

You sit up thinking, maybe slowly realizing that maybe Ethan is not the boy for you. But you crave love, you crave to be in love. You're scared of the thought of being alone. But the thing is you don't see what's right in front of you, Drew.

Part 2 will hopefully come tomorrow! ( literally no one will care💁🏻‍♀️) but I hope you liked it!

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