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Pantheon - Chinese

Places of influence-

There base of operations is obviously china, but similar to the Egyptians the have cells across the world, but mostly in places of Chinese influence. Chinese influence can be found in southeast Asia, Korea and parts of the Pacific. They have some cells outside of Asia , in North America, Australia, and even one in East Africa.

The cells outside of china are seen as frontiers settlements, or distant colonies. Places mostly ignored by the oldest ones.


The Chinese gods fallow bureaucracy, where gods & goddesses fallow strict guidelines. The jade emperor of heaven(full title) is technically the head of the pantheon, but even that a is contested. The Chinese gods operated more like a business, where different groups of gods with similar domains work in the same department. Example of this is how the Dragon kings run things revolving around water & weather. Gods and goddess can be demoted or promoted based on merit.

For the mortals , they divide themselves into Hui's or literally translated into "secret society" . They work similarly to Egyptian Nomes, with bases spread across the world . The Hui's act very independently from each other working more like city states, unlike Nomes the Hui's are they actively competing against each other for influence & resources. Making alliances and even fighting against one another.

There are 4 Hui's in North America(well that matter) , New York,California, Vancouver, and Toranto. There considered the distant frontier by the older Hui's back in China.

The Hui's system can traced their origins all the way back to ancient China legendary warring states period.

A/n: The New York Hui is located & based in Queens. So In New York, the Greeks have Staten Island and most of Manhattan, The Egyptians have Brooklyn, and the Chinese have Queens.

Races- the 4 main races .

Humans -

you are most likely one . But all humans have "potential" to use Qi, but requires both physically/mental training. One benefit humans have is that they have a more diverse skill potential and chance for growth. With enough hard work, skill, and tactics a human with Qi/chi, Can stand their ground with technically more powerful beings.

Demigods -

Chinese demigod are uncommon, especially compared to western pantheons likes the Greeks or the Norse .They are naturally more physically powerful than humans, with chi controls coming instinctively more naturally to them.

They will inherit some of their godly parents abilities. Examples children's of Guan Yu will have enhanced strength & luck, Lei Gong's children can generate claws & control thunder, or Nezha's kids having super speed.

While Chinese demigod do exist they are definitely more uncommon compared to western pantheons. Because of the celestial bureaucracy, the gods have to be more "selective" , having to fill out literal paperwork .

Huli Jing-

Huli-jing, are a race of Fox spirits from Chinese mythology who take human form. They have the potential to be either good or evil. At their worst they can be manipulative, cruel, and sadistic, but at their best they can be loyal friends, faithful lovers, even loving parents.

In their natural form, they resemble humans with Fox like features, with claws, amber eyes, and fox like tails. They can have up to 9 tails, with a tail gain either through age or power. Through they can seamlessly change between human & fox.

One their most famously aspects is that their natural shape shifters , being able to change their age and turn to different animals. Which contributed to a common trickster mentality associated with them. They love playing pranks on humans, spirits, even gods.

Despite, their playful personality they can be a formidable opponent. Along with shape shifting, they have affinity for fire manipulation, illusion magic, and chi magic.

Some Huli jing have been known to become romantically involved with humans, even marrying and having children with them.

Dragons -

Chinese dragons are very different than their western counterparts. Unlike European Dragons who act like animals, eastern ones have human like intelligence with actually a lot of wisdom. Instead of fire they have powers over water and weather.

Dragons are very powerful beings, with young dragons can easily go head on with an adult demigod. With the most powerful dragons, the 4 Dragon kings are strong enough to be gain respect from the gods. While still part of the celestial bureaucracy, they express higher autonomy from their kingdom in the sea.

Note all dragons can change transform into human form. Due to the occasional relationship with human, some people may have a dragon ancestry. Which may have give them good luck & higher ambition .



The power sources for the mortals of the Chinese pantheon, it is the breath of the universe . Which has a very diverse range of applications, is utilized by a mix of physical and spiritual energy through training & meditation . To use it most effectively you have be in touch with

Qi/Chi can by user to enhanced the body, manipulate the elements, or cast spell for example.

There are 2 different methods of though when utilizing Qi/Chi , internal and external.

By focusing on internal qi, the user can do things like enhanced their strength & heighten their sense to name a few.

With external qi, grants them abilities from the outside.From manipulate the elements or heal for example.

Wu xiang-

in Chinese astrology the 5 elements of nature are fire, earth, water, wood, metal. Unlike the western 4 elements, earth air,fire, water.

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