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"Do you have all your stuff?" Asked nurse Ethan

"I think so." I replied

"I believe in you! Please be safe." Sophie said while giving me an air-hug. Touching is prohibited here. We don't want to trigger anyone!

I air-hugged her back. "I'll try. I'm just scared I'll see... that... again."

"It's alright. Maybe you should do what MY therapist has me do? I write letters that I want to give to my dad about what he did. Instead of sending them to him, I show my therapist and we talk it out!"

"I don't know." I shrug "My parents don't have a lot of money. I can't get a therapist to talk the letters out with."

"When I get out of here, we can talk them through!" Sophie smiles. Sadly, I don't think she'll be getting out of here anytime soon. She seems 'okay', but she has a lot of attacks. They're really scary! I can still call her, though.

"Come on, Dan. Your parents are waiting." Said Ethan

"Please don't call me that." I mumble




"So..." mom starts "Are we going to talk about why you tried to..." she tears up a bit and turns the car into our driveway.

"I was just depressed." I say while looking at our brick walls


"Can we eat pizza tonight?" I ask; trying to change the subject.

"Sure. I'll have dad pick it up after work." Mom replied

"Thanks!" I grab my bag out of the trunk with one hand and my frog pillow with the other. I go up the four steps to my backdoor and walk in. "Where is Puddles?" I ask mom

"Probably upstairs. She's not our cat. You can go visit Mrs. Star if you want?"

"No thank you. I just want to see Puddles." I reply while trudging to my room. I plop down on my bed. I search my bed pockets for my phone, but I only find my fake spiders.

"Where's my phone?" I call out to mom

"Hang on!" After a few minutes mom comes in my room and tosses me my phone. "There you go. Pizza will be here in an hour. I'll be in my room."

"Thank you, mom. I love you."

"Love you too, Daniel." Mom says and then blows me a kiss. As she leaves my room (with the door open) I try to turn on my phone. And of course... it's dead.

*sigh* "Why must I live in this Earth in pain?" I ask my self. I don't know why I'm still here, but I know I have to stay alive for my parents. I just want Puddles to know I'm home again. Maybe I can get myself to think I have to be alive for her too. I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore. I don't even like watching YouTube anymore. It all just feels played out. I've always wanted to make videos online, but I'm not creative! I'm just the loser teen that people wish would just shut up! Maybe... maybe I should try the letter thing Sophie was talking about...

     As the dawn begins to turn to dusk, I am left to wonder what I did wrong. You probably forgot my name by now, but I remember you. You shoved me and made me cry. You harassed me for years and I just want to know WHY! All that torment and you never gave me a reason!

This pain you made me feel for so long is indescribable! I can pretend it was never there, but I know I'll be lying.

I really want to tell my parents, but they won't understand. Mom will cry and Dad will say I'm 'overreacting' or lying. I'd hate to say it, but I think it'd be easier to tell them if I were a girl. Well... if I was born a girl because it's more common.

I hate people. They think they can "use up" a person and leave them to rot! I feel like a napkin. You were finished with me and made me feel worthless! Except for one use, I guess.

I really REALLY wish you could read this, but I'm not going to start stuff.

                                         ~ The Forgotten,

Letters to my Enemy Where stories live. Discover now