Field trip

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As I looked to the girls she pointed at I was about to charge at them but Mereke pulled me back. "No.." He said as I just sat down. "What the fuck?" I whispered to him "As your boyfriend you won't get hurt from those idiots.." Marek said I just laid my head on him "that's the thing I won't get hurt..." I said looking up to him then closed my eyes sleeping for a bit. "YES! We're here!"
I heard ally scream as I woke up in shock. "Dang she's loud, Ally you woke Bella up!" Marek said as ally blushed in embarrassment, "Oops, sorry.." She said as I looked out the window to see why she was yelling. "Yay we're at the beach, Dibs on having cabin 14!" I said "We're sleeping there with you then" Coby smiled, "Ok" I said jumping out the bus running to the cabin. Marek, Ally, and Coby following behind. We all picked our beds and put our luggage on the floor. "I'm so excited!" Coby said putting his arm around ally. "I love when it's hot!" Ally said I shrugged "Its a lot of fun but it burns" I said laying my head on Mereke "No kidding babe it's summer" Marek laughed. "Let's hit the waves" ally screamed as we all ran after her. We ended up following her to the beach we saw over thousands of kids in the water. All four of us splashed each other in water. I was smiling we all stopped splashing, when I felt my leg being tugged down I wasn't ready to breathe under water in the ocean I was falling deeper and deeper... "WHERE'S BELLA!" Marek said as my eyes started closing and my life drifting away slowly. Before I closed my eyes I saw a guy coming down to rescue me...
"Bella Bella!" I heard people said as people were all crowding around me then reality hit me Marek's lips a light blue... "Marek...?" I said as he hugged me tight then saw 2 people pushing people to get to me "BELLAAAAAAA!" I knew it was ally. "Thank god your all right!" She said as Marek cradled me tightly "Woah!" I said he took me to our cabin. Ally and coby following behind, Marek wrapped me in a blanket. "You saved my life! I love you so much!" I said holding and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Did seaweed pull you down?" Coby asked in curiously. "No it felt like a, human hand like some one planned for me to drown.." Marek just wiped his eyes and looked at me. "Brittney is going to pay!" He said walking outside "Wait! Stay here with bell me and coby will go" ally said as Mereke came back to me. "Ok.." As Ally, and Coby left 10 mins later Smarah, and Rhett walked in with luggage. "Sorry to tell you this now but... We have to stay with you guys now, our cabin buddies are creepy. "It's ok there and extra bed right to your left. "By the way you ok? I heard what happened "I would have been dead if Marek wear my there to save me.. He's my night in shining armor" I said kissing him. "Well this is Rhett my boyfriend." She replied "We can all be friends." Marek said as we all nodded our heads. "AHHHHH" I heard a scream from a girl that sounded like bloody murder Marek went to check. He just saw girl screaming because they hade sea weed all over them and hade green slime all over there hair. "Ewww! I'm telling my dad on you Derksen!" She screamed as ally and Coby walked into our cabin. "Good job, those, Girls deserved it." Smarah said as Coby and ally sat "You guys ok" Marek asked them. "Yeah we're fine, also who are you to?" Ally said looking at Rhett and Smarah "I'm Rhett and this is my girl friend Smarah" Rhett explained "Our cabin roommates were freaking us out, so we changed cabins." Rhett explained to everybody. "Wanna go back to the beach it's only 6:00 pm." I suggested. "No way in hell are you going in the water!" Marek said "She can just sit on the sand.. We only have two hours until the dance party starts.." Smarah said trying to help me. "Fine" Marek said we all left the cabin "Thanks Smarah me and you will be great friends" I whispered to Smarah she smiled. I sat on a blanket while everybody except for Marek went swimming. "I love you babe..." Marek said I kissed him. "I love you more." I smiled hearing a couple of girls squeal "I SHIP ITTT" Katie Reimer said "Wow I never though Marek and the new girl being would be together" a boy whispered to his friend. "Quit staring! I love him and nobody else." I said seeing that Marek was blushing. I looked back at the waves and saw all of my friends still swimming "You hungry?" I asked Marek "A bit..." He replied I stood up and put my hand out. "My treat." He blushed "I should be the one who takes her out..." Marek though to himself..

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