Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous

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Yay! Another new Fan fiction for our Nalu fans out there!! Of course this will be made just like Best Fairy Tail Ever except set in our time, Oh, and with music!

Speaking of music, the song in this is Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous by Good Charlotte! I personally love this song and please comment what you think of it too. If you haven't heard it before, I'll leave a link for you to maybe even play as you read the song! I will even try to put a song in every chapter.

(Be prepared for a lot of Good Charlotte)

And yes each song will have a meaning someway to the story or a reference to the anime.

But Please enjoy!


Chapter 1

Natsu POV

"Oi, Wendy! Can you turn that volume down? We're trying to hold a meeting over here!" I called out to my little sister. She sat comfortably on the patched up couch staring at the poor excuse of a television.

"Hai, Nii-san," the voices on the TV got quieter, and I turned to face the rest of the band. Sadly, there were only two of them, and they could have looked less interested.

Laxus sat on the edge of our "stage" in the garage. He had his arms folded and his eyes closed shut. Gajeel stood next to him looking just as uninterested as he munched on something. I didn't really feel like asking what it was. This was suppose to be our great band? I facepalmed. Lord, help us.

"Where the hell is Ice Princess?" I muttered.

"He said he was going to try and get us a gig," I smiled. Yeah right, like that was ever going to happen. We've been a band for three years, and we only had one gig, and that was Wendy's birthday party.

"Guys! I got-" Gray came running into the garage. I looked at him slightly irritated.

"What the hell, Ice Breath!"

"You trying to start something, Flame Brain!? Maybe if you would listen, I said I got-"

"Wow, Lucy-san is so beautiful."

My head snapped over to Wendy. She was gawking at the blonde onscreen. She kept smiling and waving her hand around while wearing some overpriced dress. Other models were grouped around her even that one kid model, Romeo.

I stuck up my nose. Uggh, models. All they care about is themselves. All they have to do is look pretty, and BAM, their famous. Not once do they have to struggle in this industry. They really sicken me.

Gray grinned at the screen and pointed at it. "There! That party, right there. That's going to be our next gig!" I turned to him and rose an eyebrow.

He couldn't be serious.

Lucy POV

"I'm so tired, already," I sighed and laid my head on Erza's shoulder. She didn't seem to care to much.

"Please hold on just a bit, Lu-chan," Levy adjusted her glasses giving me a worried face. I smiled at her and straightened myself back up.

"Your the boss, Levy. Seriously, what would we do without a manager like you."

"Who knows?" She pulled out her phone and dialed a few numbers. I wonder who she could be calling this time?

"Juvia is very excited for this party," the bluenette bounced as she looked around.

"Any particular reason?" Mira walked up to us and flashed a perfect white smile. Man was I jealous. We all made it this far in this business, but how could even compare myself to someone like her.

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