Walking to my doom

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(AN) Maddie is younger than Kenzie

They captured her sister Maddie. I followed the notes directions till I came to a abandoned area. Two muscular guards standing outside the area, I glare at them I want to speak to him, they laugh at me. I try to rush past them they hold me by the arm "Let me go" I demand screaming. I hear a laugh from behind me "Leave the girl go boys I'll deal with her" the voice said. He walks in front of me I recognize him Johnny Orlando the most feared gang leader. " "Follow me" he orders, I gulp looking at the floor. My eyes look up to see Maddie with a man holding a gun to her head tears form." I don't have $5000  please let her go" I plead. "The money or she dies" he replies. "Can I talk to you alone please" I plead again. He signals them to leave. "What" he replies in a stubborn voice. " I'll work off her debt, just let her go please she's innocent"I reason desperate. He smirks "you will live with me, work for me and sign a contract". "Accepted" I say quickly. 

Tsk Tsk Kenzie don't make deals with the devil

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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