If We Were Boys

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  "Are you sure you girls can handle these power tools?"

  "Yes.  Yes we are."

  "You sure?  Your mom's okay with that?"

  "Yes, we're sure, and yes, she's okay with it."


  "Are you doing a project with your older brother, or your dad?"

  "No, just us."

  "Oh.  You sure you can handle this?  Six tons of steel beams?"

  "Yes.  Yes we are."



  "Why don't you have your dad pick this up?"

  "It's not Dad's project."

  "So your dad's helping you out?"

  "It's not Dad's project, it's ours.  Just ours."


  It was another sunny summer day in Danville, and our red headed inventor was up bright and early.

  "Hey, Ferb!" Phinella called, throwing a pillow across the room at her green haired sister.

  Ferb sat up, her face in its usual neutral expression, but Phinella could see the question written on it.

  "Remember that movie we watched a couple of weeks ago with the floating city?"

  Ferb nodded.

  "Well, that got me thinking, how about we make our own floating city?  I think we still have the blueprints for our antigravity machines."

  Ferb gave her a thumbs up.

  "Alright!" Phinella crowed.  "Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!"


  "Whatcha' doin?"

  Isadore, their neighbor, walked through the gate, a usual occurrence for this time of day.  He was wearing blue jeans and a white shirt with a purple stripe across the middle.

  "Hey Isadore!  We're just making our own floating city," Phinella replied, smiling a warm smile.

  "Sounds fun!  Need any help?  I can ask the Fireside boys to come over," Isadore said, eager to help as always.

  "Actually, we were just going to get some parts," Phinella said.  "Want to come with?"

  "Of course!"  Isadore said, smiling.

  "Hey, where's Buffy and Ballari?" Phinella asked, turning to Ferb.

  Ferb shrugged.

  "I think they're at a Bullies and Nerds convention this morning," Isadore said, frowning slightly.  "They said they might come later today."

  Phinella shrugged before looking around again.  "And on that same note, where's Perri?"


  Across Danville, a teal and orange platypus slid down a secret passageway into her underground hideout.  She fell about two feet to the left of her chair, her fedora following her a moment later.

  The screen flickered on.

  "Carl, where are my pickled strawberries?"  A man with a grey mustache appeared on the screen.

  "I don't know, Major Monogram!  I don't even know why you like those in the first place!" a nasally voice called back.

  Major Monogram caught sight of the screen and gave a small jump, surprised.  "Ah, Agent P.  You're here."  He addressed the platypus where she was picking herself up from the floor, rubbing her tail.  "Sorry about that, this is the week that maintenance is off and no one else can figure out how to adjust the pipes."

If We Were Boys [Phineas and Ferb]Where stories live. Discover now