How It Began

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Lily's View

We had just started term a week ago and one day in the middle of my DADA class we were all pulled to the courtyard.

"I wonder what's going on," asked my friend Shelby.

"It can't be anything serious," her Ravenclaw brother said reassuring her.

We walked out and we saw a man in black robes holding a rope that tied to wrists of a small hooded figure. The man seemed to be trying to explain something to Headmistress McGonagall. He said something and she nodded curtly.

"Student of Hogwarts. I am here bearing a burden that I am afraid is your responsibility for a few years," he said addressing all of us. I looked around a found both my brothers were standing behind me.

 "Centuries ago," he continued," a group of leaders signed a packed. For as long as we live it will pass from country to country as to not burden one country for eternity. And when the schools were established it was decided that it would be passed from school to school. It has now come for Britan to take up its time. I give the monster," he said.

We all craned our heads to look at the hooded figure. The man reached for the hood and as soon as he grabbed it fell limp, nothing was there. He looked around for a moment. Then we heard something.

"HAHAHAH~ It never gets old now does it, Tim?" I heard a voice say.

"I don't have time for this," he said impatiently.

"But I do this everytime and the Keeper is never late. Besides the whole lift, the hood reveal was getting old. I wanted to spice it up for all the little mortals," the voice said.

 "COME OUT!" he yelled.

A girl appeared out of thin air standing right behind him. She had white hair with little bits of lilac sprinkled around. Her eyes were lavender purple as well.

"Well you didn't have to be so rude about it," she said playfully.

"Who is this?" asked McGonagall.

"This is Crystal. And she's your problem now," he said with a hint of relief in his voice.

McGonagall looked as though she was going to argue but then reconsidered.

"Very well. You may take your leave and I will see that everything is sorted out," she said curtly.

The man left immediately.

"I'll send your mother her present on Christmas!" the girl named Crystal yelled after him.

"Ahem, Crystal was it? I think we should figure out your schedule," said McGonagall.

She turned to her smiling a cold smile.

"Now I'm afraid there's going to be a tiny problem with that. You see I don't take rule very well so I don't follow them. You can give me a schedule and I can decide if I want to go to any of the lessons but you can't make me do anything," she said to her.

"Um... No, you will follow our rules. You will go to your lessons. And you will do as you are told!" said McGonagall.

"Make me," she said


"You heard me I said 'Make me'" she said

"You see, you can't threaten me because I have nothing to lose. What are you going to do? Jinx me! Give me detention! Expel me! Face the facts and just accept defeat. " she said.

McGonagall looked livid but the relaxed her self. She told us all to back into the school and she told this 'Crystal' to follow her. As I walked to the school I could have sworn that I saw her staring at me and my brothers before she turned the corner with McGonagall.

I wonder what will happen next?

(I will write more this is just to see if anyone will read this. I hope this was mediocre and I hope that this is enjoyable for all my fellow Harry Potter fans)

Bye, for now, fellow Potterheads!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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