College is kicking my ass

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ayo whadupp readers,for some reason recently more people have been asking me to update not just this story but the other i have as well,i literally haven't updated in years and when i say ill update i never get to it so! i apologize im just a lazy fuck and i like to literally procrastinate on everything but i decided to go back and take a look at my stories and i found out that since i wrote this before i actually knew what grammar was they're mostly written HORRIBLY. If my english professor read them the man would fall to the floor and cry so! ive decided to edit them,not much will change.Honestly im just guna go back and fix typos as well as my writing style and im thinking about changing some tittles up too.

Expect updates in the coming weeks because writing is like therapeutic for me so it should be too hard to get in the glow of things and i have tons of ideas in my brain that i wanna type up so again im sorry for the lack of updates and if yall are still here,thnx <3


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2018 ⏰

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