A New Companion

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This story is a sequel to my previous fanfiction, The Human Doctor. If you have not read The Human Doctor, I advise you to before reading this story as you will miss some vital background information. Please enjoy the new Doctor Who fanfiction!

I looked around the TARDIS I couldn't believe that I was actually here. My parents had told me countless stories about the adventures they had in the TARDIS but I never thought I'd get to do it all too. When I remembered my parents I was overwhelmed with grief. I had just lost them, after 18 years of never spending a moment apart, any moment without them felt like an eternity. But, I knew they died how they'd always wanted to. One last adventure and they died hand in hand. Now I was free to explore the universe, I am a Timelord, after all, it's my destiny.

"Right, Cecelia, let's get you all settled. Follow me" said the Doctor excitedly as he jumped up the stairs leading off the main platform.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"You'll see"

I followed him up the stairs leading to a corridor and he led me down passages that I thought would never end. One hallway after another and then he stopped short. "Here you go" he said gesturing to a random door. "This will be your room for as long as you stay with me or forever, whichever you choose" he smiled and turned the knob opening the door to the room. I walked inside and what I saw was astounding. The walls were painted blue. The light blue on the bottom slowly faded into a darker blue as it went higher up the wall finally leading to a deep, almost black blue on the ceiling. The deep color of the ceiling was interrupted only by tiny twinkling dots dispersed all around it. It looked just like the night sky. There was a desk and a few other pieces of furniture, but where was the bed?

I turned around to see the Doctor smiling at me, pretty impressed with himself.

"It's beautiful, Doctor. But, where's the bed?"

"Oh, Cecelia, you didn't think I'd forget something as important as that?" I watched him skeptically as he walked to the middle of the room. He got to about the center then got down on all fours and felt around for something.

"Ah, here it is!" he slammed a certain part of the floor and as he did a big circular piece of it turned completely over and on the other side was a large, circular bed. It looked so comfortable. Then a thin curtain came down from the starry ceiling and draped itself around the bed like a canopy.

"This is Amazing! Thank you, Doctor!" I ran over and hugged him and he hugged me back. Then I stood back and looked around the room a bit longer. I went over to the closet and opened it. "One, thing, Doctor. I don't have any clothes, and no offense, but I'm not about to go running around the universe in the same outfit every day."

"No problem, let me accompany you to the wardrobe."

He led me down the twisting and endless hallways and reached a room with several stories of racks and racks of clothing all around a central spiral staircase.

"You have all of these clothes and you choose a tweed jacket, suspenders, and a silly bowtie?" I teased.

"Oi! Bowties are cool!" he smiled and I laughed.

"So, what are we going to do first?" I wondered after sifting through the wardrobe and coming back to the main console room.

"You tell me" he smiled and stepped aside to let me take over the controls. I pressed the knobs and moved some levers and heard the familiar whooshing sound of the TARDIS. I felt right at home.

Cecelia and The Doctor (sequel to The Human Doctor)Where stories live. Discover now