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Hello friends
(Don't worry I am not going to say "Chai peelo"😂😂)

Please Don't be offended You know me I am so funny you have to tolerate my unbearable jokes😉

"I think it's not my Intro it's my new book's"*making face* "stupid me"."Oh my subconscious will you please shut up please let me describe this story"..
*My subconscious standing with her hands up*

I think you all have read the DESCRIPTION of this book.I want you to know more about the story.

This book would contain some Abusive extent in the ending part but don't worry I have warned you before.

▪Yes offcourse it is an Indian plot based story.

▪Yes I don't Care about negative comments 'Cause sometimes they are good to be accepted so that a change could occur in our stories.

▪I don't know if you are gonna like it or not but I am sure I won't disappoint you guys!!

I am sorry If I am wrong but please don't try to copy my work.If you really like my work you can surely appreciate it.

▪Please Love and Vote my story if you like it.

▪How can I forget this Thank you Trish for making such a lovely cover and yes for the judgement too.😉You can follow her Trishti_suman.

▪I you wanna know about characters then don't worry I will describe them in the next part..

Till then Bye Take care and Don't miss me too much I will be back soon with a new update.Oh by the way you can pm me if you want❤


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