1: First year anniversary

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Cara's POV:

I wake up to the sound of a car honking at the front. I get out of my bed and peer outside to see Zac standing in front of his car, with a huge grin on his face and a bunch of flowers in his hand. He looks up at me as if he's expecting me to let him in the house. I roll my eyes, but smile and get dressed before letting him in. 

"Is today a special day sweetheart?" My mum asks from the kitchen as she makes coffee and gets breakfast ready.

"Kinda. It's our one year anniversary since we went out, so it's kind of a big thing. I might come home a little later today, cause Zac and I want to spend this day together. Is that okay mum?" I asked, sneaking my head into the kitchen to catch her answer.

"Of course you may. Just not too late." Overprotective mothers. 

I step away from the kitchen and to the front door. I open it and see Zac standing right in front of it, holding out the bunch of flowers to me. "Happy anniversary, babe. Hope you like these flowers. I picked them out especially from our neighbours garden, haha." He laughed as he handed them to me.

"Omgosh Zac, they're beautiful. Did your neighbours let you pick them out of their garden," mild curiosity in my tone as I asked him.

"Of course not, they'd kill me if I even thought about getting them." He replied, smirknig that boy-ish yet devilish good looking look of his. 

I shake my head in response, "One day, you're going to get in trouble mister. Why can't you just be a normal teenage guy and just buy the flowers from a flower shop?" I said, as I opened the door further to let him in. 

He grabbed my hand and held it in his, "Because, these flowers were much more prettier. And you deserve the best." I blushed. Like a typical, teenage girl, I blushed. I absolutely loved Zac. He was, is, the best thing that has ever happened in my life. And he has the bestest twin sister whom I talk to almost everyday, and she is just awesome. 

Zac is the first guy I've ever exclusively dated. Before, it was just little flings here and there, nothing as serious as what I have with Zac. He makes me feel good about myself, and he just makes me feel so safe and loved. That's what I love the most about being in a relationship. The security you feel in it, and the fact that there's someone out there who would actually be with me. I'm not exactly the most prettiest of the bunch. 

As we walked into the kitchen, my mum looked up from her cooking and smiled as she saw our hands entwined with one another, "Good morning Zac. Hope you have big plans for my daughter this afternoon. Make sure you drive safely," she said, looking at him sternly in the eyes. 

Zac smiled, "Of course I'll look after her Mrs. Boston. I'd never purposely get Cara into any real danger." 

"Alright, well come on and have some breakfast before you two love birds go to school. Can't have you leaving the house with an empty stomach," she said, as she placed plates filled with food on the table. We all sat around the table, digging in and piling our plats up with sausages and scrambled egg and bacon. 

As we started to eat, mum tried to make conversation with Zac, "So, how is Sarah going, Zac?" 

"She's doing good. She actually went to school early today for some meeting in this group that she's in. I'm not quite sure about it." He replied, biting into sausage afterwards. 

"Ah that's good then. Is she still dating that guy who came over last time. What's his name again?" My mother looked up from eating and looked at Zac, trying to figure out what that guy's name was.

"Marcus. And no, she's not dating him anymore. She actually broke up with him last week. Don't know why though, it came to a shock to everyone as he was with him for three years or something. He was definitely pissed off when she did it too. No shock there. She hasn't told anybody why he's broken up with him either, it's as if she just suddenly had a change of heart." He said, scrunching his eyebrows together as he questioned his sister in his head. 

"Well, I'm sure she had a good reason for doing so. Now you guys finish up quickly now then get to school. I have to be on my way, don't be late. See you guys later," my mother said, as she got up from the table and brought her plate to the sink. 

When she left the house, Zac and I finished eating up and then cleaned the dishes before heading out to school. It was a nice day out. The sky was blue, the sun was shining and the clouds looked fluffier than usual. We were ten minutes early to school and so, Zac and I decided to go try and find Sarah, his sister. We found her sitting by herself outside, in the corner, where there were hardly any people. We walked up to her.

"Hey Sarah, I thought you had a meeting today with that group of yours?" Zac asked, kicking her lightly on the foot to get her attention.

She looked up and smiled at both of us, "Hey guys. Turned out it was cancelled today. Nothing you can really do about it I guess. So, I decided to just sit here and read to pass the time, but you guys can join me if you like. Hey Sarah," she said, beaming at me. 

"Um, I actually have to go meet up with the guys now to discuss the basketball season, but you guys hang out and I'll catch up with both of you later on today," Zac said as he started to run off towards the school.

"Okay, bye."


I decided to sit next to Sarah and she scooted over a bit to make room for my big butt. "So, how have you been lately? I heard you broke up with Marcus?" I asked, hoping I wasn't invading her personal spcae. 

She blushed, "Yeah, I broke up with him last week. I don't know, I was thinking for a while about breaking up with him cause I didn't really have that connection with him anymore, and I just thought it would be better for both of us if we just broke up. He hates me now though, which is understandable I guess. I hate myself for hurting him, he was such a great guy." 

"Oh okay then. I get that. I mean, I don't personally get that, cause I love your brother, but I get what you did that. I hope you find someone soon," I replied, smiling up at her as she smiled back. 

"I've actually liked this person for quite a while now, which was one of the reasons why I broke up with Marcus, but I don't think that person would like me back." She looked down, a little sad and disappointed. 

"I'm sure whoever they are, they would be lucky to have you." I reassured her, patting her on the back, but quickly taking my hand off it as I feld a sudden tinge of guilt for doing so. She looked up at me, and I looked at her. There was an awkward silence as we just stared at each other for what seemed like forever. 

And then a ball hit me on the head. 

I jumped back, rubbing my head in the process, "Ow!" I looked around to see who had thrown the ball and saw Marcus with his group of friends watching us. 

"Jackass. Learn some respect," Sarah shouted as she got the ball and chucked it so that it would hit Marcus' head. It painfully made contact with the top of his head and he ended up on the ground, rubbing it. 

When he got up he did not looked please, "You broke my heart, Sarah. Now you want to break my brain as well?" He snarled and walked off with his friends, looking more pissed than I had ever seen him. Boy, he must really hate Sarah at this moment. 

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked me, as she walked towards me and started to inspect my head. She searched for any bleeding, "You seem to be okay. No bleeding or anything. Does it hurt?" 

"No, it should be fine. Thanks Sarah," I answered as I lifted up my head and saw Sarah's face inches from mine. She looked down into my eyes as I looked up into hers. 

And then the bell rang. 

We both jumped back, startled, and got our bearings before walking towards the school. I felt very flustered and didn't know if I was suppose to walk alongside Sarah or not. I decided to walk at a sensible pace to make it seem as if I was walking alongside her but not as close as someone usually would if they were actually walking alongside someone. 

I know that Sarah and I had done nothing wrong, but I felt extremely guilty for whatever that was. I could not let it happen again. 

Hey everybody! So, new story up! This is more about romance then my other story that I have up, but I hope you like it nevertheless. On the right is a picture of the lovely, Evan Rachel Wood who is Cara in this story! Comments, votes, follows, will be greatly appreciated. Take care xx 

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