Soccer Cop High School AU (Oneshot) 2k+ words

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Soccer Cop High School AU - Beth is deaf and Alison has to learn sign language to talk to her.


Alison Hendrix woke up right before her alarm set off at 7 AM. She liked to play games with the alarm; waking up a few minutes before. Alison glanced over to the clock, and saw that it was 6:58 AM. It was the first Monday of the school year, ending Alison's summer quickly. Not that she complained - she was ready for her junior year to begin.

"I'm gonna drop out of this effin' shithole. They aren't goin' to let me graduate, anyways!" Sarah mumbled, after Alison took the seat across the lunch table. Rolling his eyes, Felix sighed loudly, "Oh, just shut up, Sarah. With Geekypants and Frenchie over there, and little Miss Theatre right next to you, and with your fabulous best friend right here, we're goin' to drag your bloody ass across the stage on graduation day, yeah?" Alison shifted in her seat, trying to make herself comfortable. Swearing always made her feel uncomfortable. Luckily for Alison, Cosima and Delphine took seats between Alison and the British duo. Cosima glanced at Alison, then at the grumpy punk. "Shit, what did we miss?"

The bell rang, and Alison got up from her seat. She was glad that the physics class was over; it was giving her a headache. The first day of school was nearly over, and there was just one class left. AP History was next, and Alison felt confident. History was always one of the subjects Alison enjoyed.

Arriving the class, not only she was on time, she was also the first person to arrive. That was something for Alison to take in pride; punctuality played a big role in her academic career. Mr. Farias, the teacher, was at his desk organizing his files. After a few seconds of settling down, a lady entered the classroom. Alison didn't recognize her. She was a student at the same high school since her freshman year, and she usually helped out with the school during the summers. She never saw this woman before. She was probably in her late thirties, and she wore plain tan khakis with a black V-neck long sleeved shirt. She went to the desk and spoke with the teacher. "Hello, I'm the interpreter. Yeah, that's correct. Yes, for Beth Childs. Thank you." Alison thought to herself, why would someone need an interpreter? Who was Beth? Everyone spoke English at the high school, right? They didn't have an exchange student program or anything like that. I would know! Alison simply dismissed it, knowing she will find out in a few minutes. She kept her gaze at the doorway, checking out the students that were in her class. She hoped that there would be someone who took their classes seriously, so Alison could have someone to work with on their projects if needed. Alison liked to work alone, but some help sometimes isn't so bad. A girl walked in, looking around for a seat. Alison thought to herself, she's cute. She couldn't stop herself; she wasn't gay. She refused to think about it, even after hearing endless quips about her sexuality from Felix. The girl saw Alison staring at her, which Alison quickly looked away, she walked over to sit next to Alison. The girl gave Alison a smile, but Alison could see the smirk behind her smile. There was something about the girl, but Alison couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Okay, guys. Are we all settled down? Great. Now, students, I would like to introduce Miss Paulone. She's an interpreter, and she will be in our class everyday," Mr. Farias gestured to the interpreter, and every pair of eyes in the room was set on the interpreter. It wasn't because of her; it was because of what she was doing. She was signing, and Alison recognized it as sign language. She didn't know the language itself, but enough to see the difference between signing and moving their arms and hands randomly. Alison realized that someone in the classroom must be deaf, or something. Alison subtly looked around, trying to figure who it was, but the girl next to Alison got to it first. Alison looked down at her desk to see a torn piece of paper with a scribble on it. 'Hey, my name is Beth. Before you ask, yes, I'm the deaf kid.' Alison looked up, catching Beth's stare with her eyes. Alison smiled, "Hey, I'm A--" and stopped herself. If Beth was deaf, then she couldn't understand Alison. Not everyone could read lips. Alison reached down in her bag, looking for a pen. 'I'm Alison Hendrix. Its lovely to meet you.' She added a smiley face at the ending, and quickly passed the piece of paper back to Beth. Beth gave her a smirk. Alison decided that she wanted to learn more about this girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2014 ⏰

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Soccer Cop High School AU (Oneshot) 2k+ wordsWhere stories live. Discover now