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Hello, my name is Karie Gutless, a normal 20-year-old mother, and I am going to tell you about the horrible, little bit exciting, manner that I became the very first witch of the Gutless family!


On a dark and clear night, the night of an eclipse to be precise, very late near midnight, I was up in my bedroom pretending to be a witch. I had always wanted to be a real witch; so every Halloween I would dress like a witch and practice witchcraft. That night very much happened to be a Halloween night. I was mixing ingredients in my immense cauldron to prepare some delicious Snake Venom Soup when I began to hear some disturbing voices coming from downstairs.

I dropped my piece of silverware and opened my bedroom door. As I descended the stairs, I spotted a luminous green light; and the voices derived right from it. The voices continuously chanted "Find the book." Captivated, I followed the light to the basement, which was as sombre as usual. It is a Gutless family tradition to turn off all lights on Halloween and use candles instead. I grabbed a candle and headed down. There was nothing there other than my great-grandmother Lyra's bookcase beside an office.

The fine tune compelled me to chant along with the voices, "Counter-clockwise, around the clock we go; on this day, time shall halt as I go back to the given date, 1528!" All of a sudden, my eyes glowed purple as I observed my hand dragging a book in mid-air.

I set the book onto the dusty office and settled into the chair. When I snapped out of it, I noticed a big blue book in front of me entitled "The Book Of Times". Intrigued, I opened the book without considering the consequences. Abruptly, I felt a bizarre wind pulling me into the book and passed out. When I finally regained consciousness, I was astonished to find two spears at my neck and my hands chained by a pair of authentic witches. I stood up casually while asking for an explanation but I was stopped by a rather bothersome sight. I forcefully followed the line of sacrifices only to witness the doom that awaited me.

Suddenly, I glanced at the cuffs that sealed my hands, swiftly fall to the ground. In the fracture of moments used to comprehend what was going on, I was swept over to the summit of a mighty mountain by a rather handsome young man named Tony Run; also known as my long lost husband. As we landed, he whispered into my ear, "This is the Witchess's castle, if we manage to defeat the Witchess we might be able to leave this place alive." I nodded and followed Tony into the intimidating castle. Just as we entered the Witchess's domain, we were caught by the wicked Witchess in person. I was stunned to know that I would be battling a five-year-old witch.

She cackled and cast a spell aimed at me, "Lucius Annaeus Seneca De Conspectus Meo, Usque Ad Inferni Detractos!" Tony was hit and died while protecting me from that horrendous spell. As I was lamenting upon his fate, the ominous voices returned and informed me to unleash the ultimate spell. All of a sudden a spell loaded my mind. With tears of anger dripping down my cheeks, I cast the spell without flaw, "Pythonissam Non Estis, Sed Tu Cineres Abit!" An intense light spread across the land when I lost consciousness. As I awakened, I witnessed God Himself.


Yes, if you haven't understood, I am now in the afterlife. For those who wondered, my body was turned to ashes and covered in blood. The same thing happened to the Witchess except she was sent to purgatory instead. But no worries, I have an angelically cute young girl named Mary-Elena Gutless; the next Gutless witch.

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