The Dickfic - Chapter 1

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Lynx fell asleep as he thought about how hot Loner Dude was. Lynx's suave hair twisted around like snakes in his in his dark brown bed. When Lynx woke up, he didn't wake up in his bed. he felt like he had just woken up, but he didn't. Lynx shook his head and his messy hair turned back into suave hair. "That's much better," He said. he looked around. He saw a face. One large face. The face had brown hair and brown eyes. When Lynx looked at the face, he knew who he saw. It was Loner Dude. Loner Dude wasn't a dude. Loner Dude was a women. Lynx loved Loner Dude. She was so hot, strong, and weird. Lynx loved weird. Lynx dislikes beds. Lynx sleeps with a slightly large bear stuffy, pillows hurt his neck, he can't sleep unless his head/neck is on something somewhat hard, soft things give Lynx neck cramps. He always sleep with my hands between His thighs, and he hates sleeping alone. Oh and can sleep about anywhere any time. 

Lynx has always dreamed of being a father. he didn't care if his wife or child was ugly, he just wanted to be a father of a loving family. Lynx imagined kissing Loner Dude, having sex with Loner Dude, and having lots of babies with Loner Dude! If his dream comes true, he'll be the happiest man alive!

But what if he got sad. What would happen to him? Would he start drugs? No, no, no, Lynx couldn't think about that now. What time was it anyways? 7:30am? Seriously? Ugh, he was late again. Lynx got dressed in a tan suit with red button and tie. His suit had a collar that was slightly tanner than the rest of the suit. His tan pants went all the way to his ankles. He put on black, shiny shoes. He got out of bed and went to his bathroom. He brushed his teeth (like the good child he is), washed his hands, and combed his suave hair. He got his black backpack and went to his high school. 

He walked on the stone brick path with cherry trees on the side. The school was massive, like a maze. There were three door sections split by white walls. The doors were grey and in each section, there were two gray doors. Once he walked it, he went to his locker. The lockers were small. But in the school bathrooms, the lockers were big. Lynx usually waited for Loner Dude to come to his locker and they would talk before class. It was five minutes before class. Where was she? Lynx decided to ask the nearest person he could find. He saw a young girl, maybe 16, she had blonde hair with light brown highlights. He knew this girl, her name was Onee. She is kind if strange. She liked to call herself Your Friendly Insane Therapist. Lynx found that disturbing. He still decided to talk to her.

"Hey, Onee, have you seen Loner Dude?" Lynx asked Onee.

"Oh, Lynx, Hello. Loner Dude? Oh, sheeee. Why do you want to find her?" replied Onee.

"Well, Loner Dude and I usually hang out before class. But she didn't meet me by my locker today. I was wondering if you had seen her?" explained Lynx.

"I totally haven't seen her, but you can hang out with meeeeee," Onee beats her eyelashes.

Find out what happens next in the next chapter!

This is a fanfic about my friends and they all wanted a fanfic. So here I am, writing this. This is meant to be funny. This is mature content. If you are little and pure, don't read this. Don't worry, I am pure too. I don't know much about sexual things, but, whateverrrrr. Uh, have fun reading this. yeahhhhhhhhhhh. ok. I'm going to go now. THIS IS SNOWY-APPROVED GRAMMAR! YEAH! Love you all! Baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <3

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