Rescue Me *Robbie Kay*

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Hey!  New book!

Robbie's P.O.V

Light streams into my room from a little gap in my apartment curtains and goes directly into my eyes. I groan, roll over then sit up. The sun hits my bare back this time and I decide that I'm okay with that. That is until I look over to my alarm clock and see the time. 7:00 I sigh and turn so my back can click back into place and while doing so the sunlight hits my chest giving me a feeling of warmth as it spreads through me so I close my eyes and sigh with joy. Then I stand up and rotate my right  shoulder till I hear the satisfying click. I've always had a rather dodgy shoulder which I need to click into place practically every morning or else my arm is kinda a dead weight for the day. (A.N Yea Yea I know Robbie doesn't have anything wrong with his arm but, just bare with me okay?) I yawn and walk over to the closet next to my bed and slowly open it and grab my clothes. I walk into my bathroom and turn the shower on and wait in the cold bathroom, shivering while the shower warms up. I really should wear more than Calvin Klein's to bed since the weather is still warming up. (A.N Lara I know your going to read this and go " Really?" Then shake your head and keep reading ;)) Soon the shower is hot enough and I hop in and quickly shower. Once I'm out I dry myself and put on tight skinny jeans, white top and a leather jacket. I walk bear footed out and grab my phone and check the time 7:30. I ruffle my hair and walk to the door and grab my black converse and walk out the door and lock up. I walk down into the lobby and out the entrance to my Harley Davidson. I swoop one leg over the seat and sit. I grab the keys out of my pocket and twist them into the ignition and hear the bikes roar which then turns into a purr. A few girls look in my direction and I wink at them and they giggle then I reach into the other pocket in my jacket which holds my phone and glasses. I grab my glasses and slip them on then grab my phone to see a text from my little sister, Melissa. *Missy Lissy: Hey Robs! My flight arrives at the airport at 3:35 This avo . Don't forget or else mum will have your ass craved and put on the wall okay? And I WONT stand up for you. See you soon! xx* I chuckle and reeve the engine and take off. Good gives me more time to escort my employer to her destination. That's right. I'm a body guard. 20 minutes later I'm on time to my destination at this fancy hotel. A huge crowd waits outside talking loudly obviously waiting for miss Hollywood as all my co workers call her.  I roar round to the back entrance and slow to flash my ID to the burly bodyguard, Tim. I park and tuck the keys safely into my pocket and take the back entrance steps up two at a time. I push the double doors open and step into the  back room. I open another door and walk down a long hall till I get to room 94 and knock. I take my sunglasses off and put them on my head and wait. A minute later the door swings open to revel Matt, my boss stands before me and I smile up at him and he chuckles and beckons me in. I walk in and am nearly knocked out by the over powering smell of Mint and Raspberry. Annabelle Laura stands at the back of the room smiling and talking softly to people. she catches my eye and makes her way over to me. Moments later she's right before me and smiles "Mr Kay" she purrs. I give her a small smile "Miss Laura" I reply politely she giggles and traces a delicate finger across my chest, outlining my 6 pack. I sigh and take a step back and her hand falls along with her face. Okay don't get me wrong I'd have happily stayed right there because she's drop dead gorgeous. chocolaty brown hair curled  delicately down to her waist, emerald green eyes that have a little twinkle of humor in them and not too tall. I'd totally go for her. But she's a client so she's off limits. She sighs and glides off to the other side of the room to talk to someone else. A solid hand gets placed firmly on my shoulder and turns me round, Jake, my best mate stands before me with a wishful look on his face as he gazes at Annabelle " Your lucky mate if Annabelle came up to me and asked me out I'd happily lose my job for her! But she wont even give me a side ways glance. What are you doing that I'm not?" He asks me looking away from Annabelle and down at me. I turn around and cross my arms across my chest and smile at him " Well mate I don't follow her round like a lost puppy for one and I don't give her my time. Which is new for her. She's used to every guy on her heels an to have a guy who's not after her gives her a challenge. And you know her! She likes a challenge" I say laughing recalling the time when she did the ice challenge in her dressing room 30 minutes before her show in New York. Because her 24 hours was nearly up. It was chaos but we all had fun and she didn't miss a minute of her show. I snap back into reality as  Matt starts  yelling at every one and pink, mint and white coloured small, medium and large suitcases and bags get hauled and lifted out of the large hotel suite. Annabelle leaves last with me trailing behind her, as I am her personal bodyguard. Annabelle cooes and scratches her dog, Tinkerbell, under the chin as she sashes in front of me deliberately  swaying her hips I keep my head down and keep an eye out for anyone dangerous. 5 minutes later we are in the lobby where the reading screams could already be heard through the already  tinted windows. Annabella takes a deep breath in and uses her free hand. And brushes a free strand of hair out off her face and flips her sunglasses off her head and onto her eyes as Matt pushes the door open and the screaming increases as Annabelle steps out of the lobby and onto the pavement and a smile graces her lips as she gracefully glides down the man made path through everyone. The screaming is eardrum bursting as I make my way behind Annabelle. Moments later Annabelle is bustled into a white limo and we all follow but as I am about to follow I take one last look around at every thing and my eyes land on a figure In a hoodie looking down. I squint and the figure looks up and pulls down its hoodie to reveal a girl with platinum blonde hair, a nose ring and a sympathetic smile I stand stunned for a moment until "Robbie! get in her!" I sigh, take one last look at this unknown beauty and get in the limo and shut the door making the deafing screams behind as the limo roars off. one hour and thirty minutes later we arrive at the airport and go round the back to the private jets. 10 minutes later Annabelle is safely on her way to Tokyo with bags and Tinkerbell in tow. We all take the 3 SUV's back to the hotel where  all our own personal transportations await us. Another hour and thirty minutes later I hop on my Harley Davidson and check the time 3:35. Well shit. Melissa is going to kill me. I reeve the bike and roar off to the airport. Again.

Hey! sorry for the long chapter!. tag Lara!! p.s. YOUR BEAUTIFUL! XX bye!  - Zoë

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2014 ⏰

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