Chapter 1: Ginny Weasley

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When Mom first tells me, I feel my stomach crumple into a ball, and the air froze around me. 

"Ginny? Did you hear me?" she repeats softly, biting her lip and clutching the bannister on the stairs. "Luna's father called--"

"I heard you, Mom," I say weakly, not wanting to hear it again. "I heard you...."

I turn, and push open the screen door, stepping out into the busy street. Our little house, smashed between other small houses identical to ours, isn't big enough for our entire family, but we can't afford anything bigger. The pipes leak, and there's no cold water, but at least we have somewhere we can sleep. It's better than it used to be. I remember, when I was little, how we were all crammed into a small apartment and my father used to stand on the corner, begging for money or food because we were starving. And people used to shake their heads when they saw my mother and me and my brothers, whispering, "I suppose it's her fault, for not using birth control." As if they knew. As if they had the right to comment. I stumble down the road, digging my hands into the pockets of my sweatshirt. I realize my feet are taking me to Luna's house, but I don't know why; she's not there. The roads seem to go on forever, and I stare at the ground before me, my head lowered and my hood up. People who pass by bump into me, and grumble, "Watch where you're going" but I don't reply. I'm tired of being the red-headed girl in people's memories. 

I stop in front of her house. Luna used to tell me about how she used to live in a really big house that was nice and she used to have friends over without being embarassed but when her mom died, her dad lost control and quit his job and they've had to move every few years because he can't keep a job long enough to pay the bills. I stare at it, the peeling paint and rickety steps leading to the front door. My feet take me there, and when I try to stop them, I can't. 

Her father opens the door, dark circles under his red eyes and this hair untidy and wild. 

"Oh, hello, Ginny. It's only you."

"Yeah, hi," I say quietly, staring out from underneath my hood. 

"I suppose your mom told you already."

"Yeah. She did. I, um, I'm sorry," I stammer. He doesn't reply. 

"She always talked about you, you know. All the time. She really loved you."

I nod, biting my lip. When I speak again, my voice catches, "Can I see her?"

He shakes his head, "I don't think you want to."

"I do."

"No, Ginny, you don't. I'm sorry,'s not a pretty picture."

"I want to see her," I shout, and when I do, I hear myself and I realize I'm crying. I don't know how long I've been crying, but suddenly, I can feel the tears on my cheeks. Her father shakes his head again, and walks towards the kitchen. I turn towards the stairs, and climb up to her room, where I used to spend every afternoon, sitting on her bed and laughing, talking about everything, stalling just so I could spend more time in her presence. First I see the bed, with the covers thrown off, and I chuckle, thinking about how she never used to keep her room tidy. Her books are strewn on the floor, and part of me wonders whether she did her homework. She was failing most of her classes. I remember I asked her why. I remember thinking that she could do better, that she was too smart to get Fs and Ds. And all she said was that it hurt. It hurt to open her eyes, to walk through the halls, the way the shouts and jeers left bruises on her skin, bruises darker than if they had been caused by a hand on her skin. I remember feeling like I wasn't big enough to use myself as a shield, so the names just slid by me and poked a hole in her. I sit down on her rug, and grab a sweater that was left on her bed. I pull it around me, and pretend she's sitting beside me.

When I finally walk home, it's dark, and it's hard for me to distinguish my house from the millions of others on the block.

"Where the hell have you been?" Ron mutters when I come in, slouched over his math homework. "Mom's been throwing a fit."

"I'm allowed some space, aren't I?"

He shrugs, then says softly, "Are you alright?"

"Why do you care?" I  snap.

"Because you're my sister. And you look awful."

I sigh, and hold back a sob. Ron turns around to face me.

"Hurts, doesn't it?"

"How would you know?" I snap again, even though I know the answer. Ron looks at the ground. 

"I'm sorry," I sob. 

"I know," he says, standing up and wrapping his arms around me. I hear footsteps, and I pull away.

"Where have you been?" Mom shouts when she sees me. 

I raise a hand to my face to brush away tears, "I went to see her dad."

"And why would you do that?"

"I wanted to say goodbye," I mumble, and she softens. 

"It's late. And you've got school tomorrow."

"Aw, Mom, she doesn't have to go," Ron says, and she glares at him.

"Your father and I work hard to pay for the tuition."

"That's not fair!" he yells. "You think she's get over all this overnight, you fucking idiot?"

"Don't speak to me that way!" she screams. 

"You should know! I would have expected you, of all people, to understand!" he replies. "After what happened with should know!" he stomps up the stairs, leaving me alone. I stare at my feet.

Mom sighs, "Honey, you should go to bed. You don't have to go to school tomorrow if you don't want to, I understand. I'm sorry, sweetheart, I really am."

She moves forward to embrace me, but I pull away. 

"She's gone," I sob.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart."

"Yeah, well, that won't bring her back."

"I understand, Ginny, really, I do. It's hard when someone you love dies. I know, really, I do."

"No, you don't. Because this is different. And you know it's different. Luna's not Fred, Mom. You can't compare the two!" I hear myself shouting again, and I stomp up the stairs after my brother, slamming my bedroom door and collapsing onto my bed. I used to have to share the room with my brothers, but since George went to college, Ron and I have been able to move into separate rooms. So I am alone. And I really, really don't want to be alone right now. 

Hey! So I've written fanfiction before, but I've never actually cared about it until now. So, please, only helpful comments :). Don't be mean just to be mean about something I can fix, please :) Also, if you're confused about anything, don't feel bad about asking....I hope you enjoy it 

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